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HISTORY OF MEDICINE PEOPLE & PRACTICES Ancient History Ancient History was filled with disease, illness and plagues. Reasons: overcrowding, open sewers,

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3 Ancient History Ancient History was filled with disease, illness and plagues. Reasons: overcrowding, open sewers, filth. Thought to be caused by evil spirits and demons brought on as a punishment for disobedience to the gods.

4 Ancient History cont’ Medical practice became the role of priests or medicine men. Treatments involved rituals to cast out demons. Trephining: a surgical procedure involving cutting a hole in the skull with a flint knife to treat migraines, epilepsy, paralysis, or insanity.

5 Egyptians: 3000 b.c. Physicians were Priest who studied medicine and surgery in Temple medical schools. Tried to drive out evil spirits, if failed, used concoctions made with excretions of lions, panthers, gazelles and ostrich. Insects: used alive or crushed were swallowed, along with backbones of ravens and fat from snakes. Also used medicinial plants still used in pharmacology today

6 Egyptian physicians:3000 b.c. Imhotep: The Egyptian God of Medicine Bloodletting and open clogged vessels. Were conservative: used a Sacred Book to guide them.* Executed if patient died

7 Babylonians: 2000 b.c. Lived in squalor, drank filthy water and poor personal hygiene. The ruler of Babylon established a legal code for medical practice. This set fees for services and established rules of conduct. Physicians hands cut off, if patient died (nobility)

8 India/Hindus (1500 b.c.) Diseases were malaria, dysentery,typhoid, cholera, leprosy, smallpox. World’s first nurses and hospitals. Used Anesthesia Contributed Surgery Performed cataract and plastic surgeries Used approximately 120 surgical instruments. Walled sewers & underground water pipes.

9 Chinese Highly developed center of medical learning and as a result the Chinese belief in evil spirits as the cause of illness gradually changed. Father of Chinese Medicine: emperor had documents of Herbal medicines some of which are still used today. Acupuncture was used to drive out evil demons.

10 Greeks: approximately 2000 b.c. Belief in Apollo, The Sun God, taught medicine to a centaur who taught others. Asklepios: Greek God of Healing(1250b.c.) used massage, bathing and exercise in treating patients. Used the magical powers of large yellow nonpoisonous snakes

11 Greeks cont’ Snakes licked wounds while patients slept. Asklepious applied salves The medical caduceus symbolizes the past use of snakes as treatments.

12 Greeks cont’ HIPPOCRATES (b.460 b.c.) Founder of Scientific Medicine Organized method of gaining medical knowledge through observation. Disease was a result of natural causes Examining a patient’s environment Stressed diet and cleanliness Disease traced by listening to the chest Father of Medicine: due to his accomplishments- prognostics, fractures, surgery, and code of behavior which became the HIPPOCRATIC OATH

13 Aristotle Contemporary of Hippocrates… Philosopher and scientific genius Tutor of Alexander the Great Brought together botany,biology and medicine

14 Aristotle His findings were based on animal dissection, because human dissection was illegal where he lived. In Alexandria, Egypt human dissection was legal..therefore students studied in Alexandria which was the center for learning and home of a famous medical school

15 Claudius Galen Physician from Asia Minor Professed to the teachings of Hippocrates however ignored the theory of observation. He believed that illness and disease was a result of an unbalance in “humors”. Believed that the body was regulated by the “four fluids” …blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile.

16 Claudius Galen Prescribed diets, massage, exercise and drugs to treat patients. His viewpoints were unchallenged until the 16 th Century

17 Romans Made almost no contributions to medicine, BUT… Established superior methods of sanitation and water supply. Laws to maintain public health and clean streets. Built aqueducts, pure water systems and underground sewer systems.

18 Romans Despite these efforts..the pandemic (occurring at the same time in different places) bubonic plague afflicted many. It spread from China through trade routes to Egypt, North Africa, Syria, and into Europe. It infected all the known world.

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