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1 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Bob Pearlman Director of Strategic Planning, New Technology Foundation

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Presentation on theme: "1 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Bob Pearlman Director of Strategic Planning, New Technology Foundation"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Bob Pearlman Director of Strategic Planning, New Technology Foundation New Schools, New Learning Birmingham, England October 13, 2004 Designing the 21 st Century Secondary Schools: Reinventing the Secondary School Experience

2 2 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools The BSF Opportunity…. Total UK Investment = £ 46 billion over 10 years

3 3 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools School Opening for 2007-8 Construction 2006-7 Physical design 2005-6 Educational Design by …… The BSF Challenge…. Is BSF a Construction Program or an Educational Program? Are we being asked to spend money before we know what to do?

4 4 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Some say if you get the design right, then the education will follow??? The BSF Danger…. Will the new BSF Schools just be Old Wine in New Bottles?

5 5 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Your High School, 1964-- ??? Where were you in 1964?

6 6 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Penncrest High School, Media, PA 9 th grade house Flexibility to adapt to departmental or team structure Flexible classrooms that can be adapted to different instructional uses Community Center Capacity 1600

7 7 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Constructivist Learning Block Schedule Professional Community Professional Development Center The Learning Center Project Rooms in every wing Open public ceremonial space

8 8 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools UK Educational White Papers lack vision of: 21 st Century Learning ICT as Tool and Infrastructure for 21st Century Learning

9 9 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools enquiry problem solving creativity information processing reasoning evaluation personal, emotional and social skills The Primary National Strategy moves this thinking on by articulating 7 aspects of learning: But Why and How?

10 10 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Dongguan

11 11 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Dongguan 7 million people. Grew from less than 1 million in 1979 15,000 International Companies 25,000 companies total -- 10,000 of them are computer related manufacturers, representing 40% of all international computer part market Ranked 7th in overall municipal competitiveness in China Ranked 3rd in goods exported, behind Shanghai and Shenzhen

12 12 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Bangalore

13 13 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Bangalore Silicon Valley of India 7.2 million people, 5 th largest city in India (+ 1 billion people) 86% literacy 1154 IT SW companies in 2003, up from 29 in 1993 116 new SW technology part units established in 2002-3 Top Ten SW Exporters, 2002-03: Infosys Technologies Ltd. Wipro Ltd. IBM Global Services India Pvt. Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Digital Global Soft. Ltd. I-Flex Solutions Ltd. Texas Instruments Cisco Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. Mphasis BFL Ltd. Philips Software Centre

14 14 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Small and Smaller Small and Smaller : The third era of globalization is shrinking the world from size small to a size tiny. By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, March 4, 2004 Globalization 1.0 From the late 1800's to World War I, was driven by falling transportation costs, thanks to the steamship and the railroad. shrank the world from a size large to a size medium. Globalization 2.0 From the 1980's to 2000, was based on falling telecom costs and the PC, and shrank the world from a size medium to a size small.

15 15 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Small and Smaller Small and Smaller : The third era of globalization is shrinking the world from size small to a size tiny. By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, March 4, 2004 Globalization 3.0 Produced by three forces: Massive installation of undersea fiber-optic cable and bandwidth (thanks to the dot-com bubble) that have made it possible to globally transmit and store huge amounts of data for almost nothing. Second, the diffusion of PC's around the world. Third, the convergence of a variety of software applications — from e-mail, to Google, to Microsoft Office, to specially designed outsourcing programs — that, when combined with all those PC's and bandwidth, made it possible to create global " work-flow platforms."

16 16 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools What knowledge and skills do students need for the 21st Century? “Will this generation of learners have the skills and preparation to innovate?” -- Barry Schuler, Former CEO, AOL At NTHS Founder’s Day Event

17 17 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools SCANS Workplace Know-How (1991) Competencies – effective workers can productively use: Resources -- identifying, organizing, planning, and allocating time, money, materials, and workers; Interpersonal Skills -- negotiating, exercising leadership, working with diversity, teaching others new skills, serving clients and customers, and participating as a team member; Information Skills -- using computers to process information and acquiring and evaluating, organizing and maintaining, and interpreting and communicating information; Systems Skills -- understanding systems, monitoring and correcting system performance, and improving and designing systems; and Technology utilization skills -- selecting technology, applying technology to a task, and maintaining and troubleshooting technology. Source: What Work Requires of School, 1991, Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills, U.S. Department of Labor

18 18 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools SCANS Workplace Know-How (1991) The Foundation – competence requires: Basic Skills -- reading, writing, speaking, listening, and knowing arithmetic and mathematical concepts; Thinking Skills -- reasoning, making decisions, thinking creatively, solving problems, seeing things in the mind's eye, and knowing how to learn; and Personal Qualities -- responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self- management, integrity, and honesty.

19 19 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Job Outlook 2002, National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)

20 20 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Working in the Real World (i.e. California?) Projects, projects, projects Teamwork and collaboration Self-direction Interpersonal skills and Networking No one asks about your formal education Project Management, Leadership

21 21 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Released June 21, 2004 at NECC, New Orleans

22 22 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools

23 23 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools So what do schools look like where students get 21 st Century Knowledge and Skills?

24 24 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools

25 25 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Teachers talk and students listen.

26 26 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools The teacher has a monopoly on information

27 27 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Students learn by not doing

28 28 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools How do we get them here?

29 29 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Strategies that Make a Difference Engagement Hands-on Adult connections Internships Real World immersion

30 30 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools New Technology High School Napa, California  Integrating technology into every class  Interdisciplinary and project-based  Internship class consisting of classroom curriculum and unpaid work in technology, business or education  Digital Portfolio


32 32 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Napa Vallejo Rohnert Park Novato Sacramento Oakland (conversion) Davis Anderson REPLICATION PROGRESS Anchorage (AK) Portland (OR) New Orleans

33 33 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools At the core is a student centered, project and problem based teaching strategy that is tied to both content standards and school wide learning outcomes.

34 34 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools PROJECT BASED LEARNING PBL vs. Doing Projects The Project is the Curriculum Creating a “Need to Know” Teacher Acts as a Coach Focus on Skills (ESLRs)

35 35 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Project Management Teamwork

36 36 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Oral Communication/Presentation Exhibition

37 37 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools

38 38 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Schools as Workplaces for 21 st Century Students

39 39 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools

40 40 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools

41 41 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools

42 42 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools

43 43 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Make BSF an Educational Program, not a Construction Program! Educators need to write the Educational Specifications for the New Builds! Start pilots of the New Learning Environments (Rich Tasks, PBL) Now!

44 44 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools NEW TECHNOLOGY HIGH SCHOOL Study Tours and Visits

45 45 108319_Macros Designing the 21st Century Secondary Schools Bob Pearlman

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