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H | D | R | C Research Priorities Dr Julie Barrett, HDRC Research Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "H | D | R | C Research Priorities Dr Julie Barrett, HDRC Research Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 H | D | R | C Research Priorities Dr Julie Barrett, HDRC Research Coordinator

2 Research priorities resulting from the 2009 membership event 1.The effect of building and environment on outcomes for people with dementia. 2.Assistive technology in Housing with Care. 3.Care and support in Housing with Care and the effect of personal budgets. 4.Suitability of Housing with Care for people with dementia and home-for-life issues. 5.Advantages and disadvantages of different models of Housing with Care schemes for people with dementia. 6.Cost effectiveness of housing with care for people with dementia compared to residential care and own homes in the wider community. 7.Communicating with people at all stages of dementia and assessing quality of life. 8.Maximising wellbeing – voice, choice and control for people with dementia in Housing with Care. 9.Views of people with dementia living in Housing with Care. 10.Staff skills and training.

3 Funding bids DALLAS programme (Delivering Assisted Living Lifestyles at Scale) – TSB call – HDRC part of a research “community” which was one of the 8 at the final stages of the competition; was not one of the final 5 to be funded. Impact of interaction with the outside local community on residents with dementia – Submitted to Dunhill Medical Trust – outline bid successful, full bid unsuccessful. Dementia Friendly Societies, large 5 year research programme with 8 work streams (HDRC co-lead on 2 work streams: Dementia Friendly Housing and Greening Dementia; on leadership team for 2 work streams) - ESRC/NIHR Dementia Initiative Call – outline proposal unsuccessful. Supporting people with sight loss and dementia – NIHR SSCR call – bid successful. Cogworks 2 (role of the built environment in promoting cognitive health and wellbeing of people in care homes) – EPSRC Design for Wellbeing – bid unsuccessful HiPass (Healthy Ageing through Personalised Cyber Assistance Systems) – EU funding – waiting to hear (Summer 2014)

4 Funded project The HDRC has been involved in a project funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), School for Social Care Research (SSCR) programme. Project duration: 21 months (ended 31 st March 2014). How best to provide care and support for adults living with sight loss and dementia in a range of housing settings? Output: good practice guidance.

5 HDRC’s role Noted an opportunity for project funding in the SSCR’s 4 th wave funding call. Brought research team together. Helped develop proposal. Found suitable members for the project advisory group and coordinated advisory group involvement. Sourced field sites and participants using the HDRC network of members. Organised, coordinated and reported on stakeholder consensus event. Input to: research methodology, tools and documents; reporting and outputs. Coordinating dissemination via HDRC network.

6 “Oven ready” research proposals Interaction with the outside community: evaluating the impact of interaction with the outside local community on the health and wellbeing of residents with dementia in extra care / continuing care settings and on the attitude of the local community. Dementia Friendly Housing: analysis of the issues influencing decisions of people with dementia and their carers to move into Housing with Care; the advantages and disadvantages of different models of Housing with Care; the effect of building and environment on outcomes for people with dementia. Green Dementia Care: examining the impact of interaction with nature on multiple health and wellbeing dimensions for people with mild cognitive impairment / early stage dementia living in different accommodation settings.

7 Your research priorities: small group discussion What are your / your organisation’s research priorities? Top 5 research themes. Associated key research questions. May like to consider: –Are the current research priorities still applicable to you / your organisation? Are there any changes you would like to make to these? –What research would you / your organisation like to see being done? –What issues are you / your organisation grappling with in relation to accommodation and care for people with dementia? –What questions would you / your organisation like answered? –What research would help you / your organisation with these issues and questions and help you to make decisions relating to accommodation and care for people with dementia?

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