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By: Kirsten Olson and Lianna Fisher  Created in 2004  Adam Currey and Dave Winer.

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2 By: Kirsten Olson and Lianna Fisher

3  Created in 2004  Adam Currey and Dave Winer


5  A free service  Allows people to listen to programs anytime  Computer or iPod  iPod and Broadcasting  Like a radio program


7  YouTube - Podcasting in Plain English YouTube - Podcasting in Plain English

8  Podcast  Video podcast-vidcast  Picture podcast- enhanced podcast

9  Talk Shows  Music Shows  Interviews  Story Telling  Tutorials  Directions  Commentaries  Sportscasts

10  Subscribe to podcast of interest  Receive new information automatically

11  Create the content  Upload it to a Podcast server  Example- iTunes

12  Computer  Internet connection  Audio Recorder- microphone

13  Record Audio  Upload to podcasting site  Watching your podcast ◦ Number of views ◦ Comments

14  Really Simple Syndication  Identifies the podcast and downloads it to computer

15  Computer ◦ Windows Media Player ◦ Apple Quicktime  MP3 Players ◦ iTunes ◦ Podcast Network ◦ The Podcast Directory  Burn to CD

16  No maximum  No minimum  Depends on audience and topic

17  Do not need copyright  Do not have to follow Federal Communication Commission rules ◦ Can write about anything- no restrictions

18 Do’s  Be professional  Provide notes  Content  Subscribe to your podcast feed Don’ts  Go off topic  Ramble  Mislabel title  Ignore the audience

19  Slowly growing ◦ Ads, commercials, sponsors  Used for sales and marketing  Cost effective

20  Projects  Educational Programs  Debates

21  Professors can record lectures  Listen to different languages  Demonstrates science labs  Communication tool


23  Will continue to grow in education  Will become popular among various audiences because of its simplicity  Will be used as a publishing tool

24 "Anyone can create a podcast. All over the world, people are creating podcasts on subjects ranging from movies, to technology, to music, to politics and whatever else you can think of. This is new original content made by passionate people who want to share their creativity with the world."

25  What is a podcast? A free subscription that allows people to listen to any program any time.  What are some uses for a podcast? Talk Shows, Music Shows, Interviews, Story Telling, Tutorials, Directions, Commentaries, Sportscasts  When did podcasting become popular? 2004-2005

26  What do you need in order to create a podcast? Computer, Internet connection, microphone  What are some ways you can use podcasting in your classroom? Projects, Educational Programs, Debates

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