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Chapter 6 The Rise of Islam. Geography Lived in the Arabian Peninsula ▫ desert lands lacked rivers and lakes ▫ nomadic ▫ moved constantly to find water.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 The Rise of Islam. Geography Lived in the Arabian Peninsula ▫ desert lands lacked rivers and lakes ▫ nomadic ▫ moved constantly to find water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 The Rise of Islam

2 Geography Lived in the Arabian Peninsula ▫ desert lands lacked rivers and lakes ▫ nomadic ▫ moved constantly to find water and food for their animals

3 The Arabs Organized tribes Sheikh: chosen leader of a tribe Farmers and sheep herders Lived on rain-fed and oasis areas

4 The Arabs Most were polytheistic Traced their ancestors to Abraham and his son Ishmael, who were believed to have built at Makkah (Mecca) the Kaaba, a house of worship Recognized Allah as the supreme god

5 The Life of Muhammad Married rich widow = Khadija Was troubled by growing gap between rich and poor Went to meditate and was believed to have received revelations from God through the angel Gabriel No representation of Muhammad is in any Islamic art

6 The Life of Muhammad Believed that Allah had already revealed himself through Moses (Judaism) and Jesus (Christianity) Final revelations were through Muhammad Cave of Hira, site of 1 st revelation

7 The Life of Muhammad Qur’an - holy book of Islam Islam - peace through submission to the will of Allah Contains ethical guidelines and laws to follow Islam has only one God, Allah, and Muhammad is God’s prophet Oldest manuscript 9 c. – only 1/3 survives

8 The Life of Muhammad Tried to convince people of Mecca but, was persecuted He and his 30 followers moved to Medina (“city of the prophet”) ▫ Journey known as Hijrah

9 The Life of Muhammad Won support from the Bedouins, of Medina Formed 1st community of practicing Muslims Muslims saw no separation between political and religious authority

10 The Life of Muhammad Muhammad becomes political, religious, and military leader In 630, takes force of 10,000 soldiers to conquer Mecca (place of persecution) Muhammad and his companions advancing on Mecca (angels also shown)

11 The Teachings of Muhammad Monotheistic Allah is the all- powerful Creator Gives salvation and hope of an afterlife Muhammad was the prophet of Allah

12 The Five Pillars of Islam One God Believing Allah is the only God and Muhammad is his messenger Prayer Pray 5 times a day to Allah Alms Give alms to the poor and unfortunate Fasting Fast during the month of Ramadan Pilgrimage Make a pilgrimage to Makkah once in a lifetime (hajj)

13 Sharia: Code of Laws provides believers with a set of practical laws applies teachings of the Quran to daily life does not separate religion from politics The Hadith warns against imitating God by creating pictures of living things Muslims can NOT eat pork, drink alcoholic beverages, gamble or engage in dishonest behavior

14 Islamic Civilization & Culture Sections 3 & 4

15 Prosperity in the Islamic World Prosperity based on extensive trade by ship and camel ▫ Camel caravans went from Morocco (Northwest Africa) to the Caspian Sea


17 Items traded: ▫ gold, slaves (Southern Africa) ▫ ivory (East Africa) ▫ sandal wood, spices, textiles (India) ▫ silk, porcelain (China) ▫ grain (Egypt) ▫ linens, dates, and jewels (Iraq)

18 “The Emerald City” Large, magnificent cities ▫ Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus, Córdoba Palaces & mosques Public buildings w/fountains, baths, and marketplaces (bazaars: covered market)

19 Islamic Society Islam claims that all people are equal in the eyes of Allah However, in the Arab Empire, there was a well-defined class system ▫ Upper Class: ruling families, wealthy merchants, and elites ▫ Lower Class: Peasants and slaves ▫ Slaves: captives of war from Africa & Asia; most served as soldiers; women slaves were domestic servants

20 Islamic Society Women ▫ Quran granted spiritual and social equality w/men ▫ Women could own and inherit land ▫ Still dominated by men  Male guardian  Secluded at home  Kept from social contacts with men outside their families Women voting for the 1 st time in Iraq (2005)

21 Islamic Society Parents arranged marriages Men could have up to four wives Women had a right to divorce, however, the right was extended only to men Women cover much of their body (traditional Arab practice)

22 Science Observatory: scientists studied and named many stars Astrolabe: helped sailors determine their location by observing the position of the stars Medicine: Ibn Sina wrote a medical encyclopedia; showed that unsanitary conditions contributed to the spread of contagious diseases

23 Literature Muslims believed the Qur’an was their greatest work of literature The Arabian Nights: collection of folktales, fables, and romances ▫ Story of Aladdin, Sinbad the Sailor and Ali Baba and the forty thieves (“Open Sesame”) Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves

24 Art & Architecture The Great Mosque of Samarra (Iraq) ▫ Minaret: tower from which the crier, muezzin, calls the faithful to prayer 5 times a day ▫ Example  90 feet high




28 Damascus “Forest of Trees” – hundreds of columns

29 Art & Architecture Arabesques: repeated Arabic letters, plants, abstract figures, and geometric patterns

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