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1 Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment in Japan III International Workshop on “Neutrino Oscillations in Venice” Koichiro Nishikawa Kyoto University February.

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1 1 Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment in Japan III International Workshop on “Neutrino Oscillations in Venice” Koichiro Nishikawa Kyoto University February 8, 2006 T2K (Tokai to Kamioka Neutrino Oscillation Experiment) Neutrino facility becomes a reality in 3 years

2 2 Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility Hadron Beam Facility Nuclear Transmutation J-PARC Facility J-PARC = Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex Joint Project between KEK and JAERI 3 GeV Synchrotron (25 Hz, 1MW) Linac (350m) 50 GeV Synchrotron (0.75 MW) 500 m Neutrino to Kamiokande

3 3 Non-zero mass of neutrinos ! What kind of neutrino facility needed for years to come? Flavor Physics esp. history of neutrino studies show full of surprises ⇔ co op with unexpected ( Kamiokande for Kamioka Nucleon decay Experiment ! ) Quantities: lepton ID and neutrino energy E Good E  determination Precision measurement of  23 Precision measurement of oscillation pattern ⇒ oscillation + ? Lepton ID, NC-CC distinction e -appearance  m 2 ⇒ MNS 3gen. formulation like CKM e-appearance exp. ⇒ CPV in leptonic process (leptogenesis?) What is the best configuration for E  and PID, given detector must be massive (simple) ?

4 4 Main features of T2K-1 The distance (295km) and  m 2 (~2.5x10 -3 eV 2 ) 1. Oscillation max. at sub-GeV neutrino energy –sub-GeV means QE dominant Event-by event E  reconstruction –Small high energy tail small BKG in e search and E  reconstruction 2.Proper coverage of near detector(s) –Cross section ambiguity 3.Analysis of water Cherenkov detector data has accumulated almost twenty years of experience –K2K has demonstrated BG rejection in e search –Realistic systematic errors and how to improve 4.Accumulation of technologies on high power beam

5 5 ~1GeV  beam (100 of K2K) Tokai Physics goals Discovery of  e appearance Precise meas. of disappearance  x Kamioka J-PARC 0.75MW 50GeV PS Super-K: 50 kton Water Cherenkov Phase2: 3~4 MW Phase2: Hyper-K Long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment from Tokai to Kamioka. (T2K) 12 countries ~60 institutions ~180 collaborators Discovery of CP violation (Phase2)

6 6 E reconstruction at low energy  CC QE  can reconstruct E    p    bkg. for E measurement High energy part  bkg.for e-appearance  + n →  + p -- p ( E , p  )   + n → + p +  ’s p  ’s --  + n →  + p +  p ( E , p  )   ’s  E  MeV  E/E ~ 10%

7 7 1. Beam energy Only the product F(E) x  (E) is observable  spectrum changes by oscil. –Sub-GeV small HE tail –CCQE dominates (1 process) Even QE absolute cross section is known only with 20-30% precision –measurements at  production with similar spectrum are critical Intermediate energy  flux should be kept to minimum –Many processes contribute (QE, 1  DIS) –Spectrum changes causes mixture of processes changes 1 10 E

8 8  Target Horns Decay Pipe Super-K.  decay Kinematics OA3° OA0° OA2° OA2.5° Statistics at SK (OAB 2.5 deg, 1 yr, 22.5 kt) ~ 2200  tot ~ 1600  CC e ~0.4% at  peak  Quasi Monochromatic Beam  x 2~3 intense than NBB  Tuned at oscillation maximum Narrow intense beam: Off-axis beam 振動確率@  m 2 =3x10 -3 eV 2  flux 0° 2° 2.5° 3° E (GeV) 1 0 0 2 8 p  (GeV/c) 5 Anti-neutrinos by reversing Horn current

9 9 Main features of T2K-1 The distance (295km) and  m 2 (~2.5x10 -3 eV 2 ) 1. Oscillation max. at sub-GeV neutrino energy –sub-GeV means QE dominant Event-by event E  reconstruction –Small high energy tail small BKG in e search and E  reconstruction 2.Proper coverage of near detector(s) –Cross section ambiguity 3.Analysis of water Cherenkov detector data has accumulated almost twenty years of experience –K2K has demonstrated BG rejection in e search –Realistic systematic errors and how to improve 4.Accumulation of technologies on high power beam

10 10 Neutrino cross section cannot be trusted above GeV and below deep inelastic region – Proper near detectors to measure rate and Far/Near ratio should be used Experiences in K2K with Harp measurement

11 11 Muon monitors @ ~140m –Fast (spill-by-spill) monitoring of beam direction/intensity (  →  First near detector @280m –Flux/spectrum/ e - off-axis –intensity/direction - on-axis Second near detector @ ~2km –Almost same E spectrum as for SK –facility request after commissioning of beam line Far detector @ 295km –Super-Kamiokande (50kt) 1.5km 295km 0.28km Neutrino spectra at diff. dist p  140m0m280m2 km295 km 2. Near detector complex Not approved yet 1 2 3 E  GeV

12 12 Conceptual Design of Near Detector @ 280m Off-axis detector  spectrum  Cross sect.  e contami.  UA1 mag, FGD, TPC, Ecal,.. On axis detector  Monitor beam dir.  Grid layout On-axis Off-axis Detector Hole UA1 mag

13 13 Possible 2km detectors

14 14 Main features of T2K-1 The distance (295km) and  m 2 (~2.5x10 -3 eV 2 ) 1. Oscillation max. at sub-GeV neutrino energy –sub-GeV means QE dominant Event-by event E  reconstruction –Small high energy tail small BKG in e search and E  reconstruction 2.Proper coverage of near detector(s) –Cross section ambiguity 3.Analysis of water Cherenkov detector data has accumulated almost twenty years of experience –K2K has demonstrated BG rejection in e search –Realistic systematic errors and how to improve 4.Accumulation of technologies on high power beam

15 15 3. PID in SK e-like  -like  e

16 16 Particle ID (e &  ) (in single ring events) An experiment with test beams confirmed the particle ID capability (PL B374(1996)238) Super-Kamiokande Atmosphric data  e

17 17 K2K 1KT data and MC reproducibility

18 18 SK data reduction in K2K real data: ―K2K-1―  MC beam e Data FCFV79.7 *1 0.8055 Single ring49.970.4633 Electron like *2 2.620.403 Evis > 100 MeV2.430.392 No decay-e1.880.341 Pi0 cut0.570.170 *1 Normalized by Nsk *2 different from std. PID (opening angle & ring pattern) (opening angle & ring pattern) ―K2K-2―  MC beam e Data FCFV76.2 *1 0.8557 Single ring48.520.5134 Electron like *2 3.170.445 Evis > 100 MeV2.890.445 No decay-e2.140.384 Pi0 cut0.730.211 In total, #expected BG = 1.68 #expected BG = 1.68 #observed = 1 #observed = 1  NC  BKG 1.3 events

19 19 Search for   e oscillation in K2K has achieved necessary  rejection K2K real data with background rejection algorithm As a result, # of expected BG 1.68 events (1.3 from  & 0.38 from beam e ) # of observed events1 event 1/3 by HE tail – NC  1/3 by E rec Rough extrapolation to T2K x~100  without osc. Shown by real data BKG ~1.3x100/9~15 for 5 years T2K T2K low energy beam, small tail  e

20 20 Sensitivities, precision in T2K phase-1

21 21 Disappearance E  reconstruction resolution  Large QE fraction for <1 GeV  Knowledge of QE cross sections  Beam with small high energy tail QE inelastic  E~60MeV <10% meaurement E  (reconstructed) – E  (true) 1-sin 2 2  non-QE resolution m2m2 + 10% bin High resolution : less sensitive to systematics

22 22 Precision measurement of  23,  m 2 23 possible systematic errors and phase-1 stat. Systematic errors normalization (10% (  5%(K2K)) non-qe/qe ratio (20% (to be measured)) E scale (4% (K2K 2%)) Spectrum shape (Fluka/MARS →(Near D.)) Spectrum width (10%) OA2.5 o  (sin 2 2   )~0.01  (  m 2 23 ) <1×10 -4 eV 2

23 23 e appearance :   sin 2 2  13 Estimated background in Super-K Signal (~40% eff.) Signal + BG   NC    e beam  e total 0.0112. sin 2 2  13 m2m2 Off axis 2 deg, 5 years at sin 2 2  13 >0.006 CHOOZ excluded

24 24 Sensitivity to  13 as a fuction of CP-phase  KASKA 90% (NuFact04) KASKA 90% (NuFact04)  →-  for  →anti-  sin 2 2  

25 25 Status of JPARC

26 26 T2K construction 3 GeV RCS commissioning plan What about MR intensity?

27 27 Intensity of MR J-PARC start with 180 MeV LINAC Currently, following realistic scenarios have been studied Intensity in 3 GeV Booster limited by space charge effect – increase number of bunches in MR by RF freq. increase in MR (injection time) – larger bucket in Booster to increase no. of protons/bunches – More RF power to increase rep. (with money) Every possible effort to increase MR intensity faster than 3GeV booster Badget request will be submitted to restore 400 MeV LINAC (2008,9,10 ?) Eventually more than MW beam

28 28 OR single bunch larger bucket (protons/bunch larger) keep h=9 (rep. rate is same as original

29 29 Accelerator commissioning plan Beam Power (MW) 0 1 2 3 Japanese Fiscal Year (Apr-Mar) 20082009201020112012 Need upgrades of beam line elements RCS power h.n. RF mod h.n.+RFx2

30 30 Main features of T2K The distance (295km) and  m 2 (~2.5x10 -3 eV 2 ) 1. Oscillation max. at sub-GeV neutrino energy –sub-GeV means QE dominant Event-by event E  reconstruction –Small high energy tail small BKG in e search and E  reconstruction 2.Proper coverage of near detector(s) –Cross section ambiguity 3.Analysis of water Cherenkov detector data has accumulated almost twenty years of experience –K2K has demonstrated BG rejection in e search –Realistic systematic errors and how to improve 4.Accumulation of technologies on high power beam handling

31 31 First high enrgy MW fast-ext’ed beam ! cm 1100 o (cf. melting point 1536 o ) 3.3E14 ppp w/ 5  s pulse When this beam hits an iron block, Material heavier than iron would melt. Thermal shock stress (max stress ~300 MPa) Material heavier than Ti might be destroyed. Residual radiation > 1000Sv/h

32 32 decay volume Near detector Target Station Beam dump/  -pit 280m 130m Neutrino Beam Line for T2K Experiment Special Features  Superconducting combined function magnets  Off-axis beam Components  Primary proton beam line  Normal conducting magnets  Superconducting arc  Proton beam monitors  Target/Horn system  Decay pipe (130m)  Cover OA angle 2~3 deg.  Beam dump  muon monitors  Near neutrino detector Construction: JFY2004~2008 To Super-Kamiokande

33 33 Schedule of T2K Possible upgrade in future →Next speaker –4MW Super-J-PARC + Hyper-K ( 1Mt water Cherenkov) –CP violation in lepton sector –Proton Decay 20042005200620072008 SK full rebuild T2K construction April 2009  commissioning K2K 2009 Linac MR

34 34 Many new concepts emerged from studies of neutrinos. LH world Quark as physical constituent Number of generations Wide variety mass of elementary particles ……. Tradition will continue and New results in 2010

35 35

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