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Early Years and Childcare Briefings for Committees, Owners and Managers Summer Term 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Years and Childcare Briefings for Committees, Owners and Managers Summer Term 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Years and Childcare Briefings for Committees, Owners and Managers Summer Term 2015

2 Agenda Local and National updates  Ofsted Single Inspection Framework  Themes from Ofsted inspections  What to expect, when?  Safeguarding update  Early Years and Childcare Training & Support  The Early Years Pupil Premium

3 Local and National Updates

4 Ofsted Common Inspection Framework  Framework for 0 – 19 years  Graded judgements on the same areas across all the age ranges  Coherence and compatibility for same age range with different providers  Inspection handbooks specific to each age range  Handbooks published in June 2015

5 Trends from Ofsted inspections RI and Inadequate  DBS checks for committees  Inconsistency in teaching across the setting  Observation cycle  Planning for individual children and accurate next steps  Children walking out

6 Trends in Ofsted inspections Good and Outstanding  Partnerships with parents, other providers and children’s centres  Children’s independence  Staff interaction and pedagogy  Environment, both indoors and outdoors  Range of resources, quality of continuous provision

7 What to expect, when?

8 Updated Safeguarding Documents  Information sharing advice for childcare practioners  Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015  What to do if you are worried a child is being abused 2015  Revised referral form to children’s social care These documents were emailed to all setting Designated Persons recently

9 Disqualification by Association  If an employee is living in the same household as somebody who would be disqualified from working with children, then the employee will also be disqualified by association  Providers have a responsibility to ensure staff are suitable to work with children and not disqualified

10 Staff declarations  Providers must request that staff declare if they live in the same household as someone who is disqualified  All short-listed candidates in relevant settings, from this point onwards, must complete a declaration.  Those that may be disqualified may apply to Ofsted for a “waiver” of disqualification, but cannot work until such waiver is confirmed

11 Checking suitability – requirements  Robust systems to check suitability should be in place  At least one member of staff should have attended safer recruitment training  All short-listed candidates at relevant providers, from this point onwards, must complete the declaration  Changes to personal circumstances should be discussed and recorded at supervisions

12 Applying for a waiver  Application to have disqualification waived must be made by the disqualified person and not the employer  The provider must seek employment law advice and will need to suspend the employee until a waiver decision has been reached.

13 Guidance The Early Years Service have issued further guidance and a template disclaimer form Contact for further information: Gemma Hope, Early Years Safeguarding Manager

14 Early Years and Childcare Training and Support Programme  Sections with:  Core offer  Statutory training  CPD training  Charged offer  Booking system, online, email and post  Learn Together

15 Early Years Pupil Premium IdentificationEligibilityPreparingProvidingMonitoring Processes Delivery Support and advice Outcomes 1.Identify children 2.Confirm eligibility 3.Consider their needs and plan 4.Deliver provision to meet the child’s needs 5.Monitor outcomes and report back

16 Eligibility - Benefit criteria 3- and 4-year-olds in state-funded early education will attract EYPP funding if they meet at least 1 of the following criteria:  their family gets 1 of the following:  Income Support Income Support  income-based Jobseeker’s AllowanceJobseeker’s Allowance  income-related Employment and Support AllowanceEmployment and Support Allowance  support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999  the guaranteed element of State Pension CreditState Pension Credit  Child Tax Credit (provided they’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190) Child Tax CreditWorking Tax Credit  Working Tax Credit run-on, which is paid for 4 weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit Working Tax Credit  Universal Credit Universal Credit

17 Eligibility-Additional criteria 3- and 4-year-olds in state-funded early education will attract EYPP funding if:  they have been looked after for 1 day or more  they have been adopted from care  they have left care under a special guardianship order or residence order

18 Consider needs and robustly plan for EYPP  Sharp focus on EYPP Children  Parents  Key person  Observation-Next steps  Tracking progress  Accountability for how the funding is spent-having a story as to your strategy.

19 Know the Gap Narrow the Gap Accelerate Achievement Improving the attainment of children at risk of delay Provide a supportive culture Identify children ‘at risk of delay’ Enabling environment Focus on prime areas and COL (characteristic s of learning ) Track progress Involve parents and carers in their children’s learning Intervene quickly if progress stalls Adapted from ‘pockets of poverty’

20 Accountability  Setting managers/committees are accountable for overseeing the spending of EYPP and the progress of children  This includes  Parents  Ofsted  Local authority  And extends to the group (“cohort”) of children as well as individuals

21 Table discussion  Who are your vulnerable children?  What support is in place and/or what would you put in place?  How do/would you evidence impact?

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