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Information evening. What do we assess? Ryvers believes that strong teacher assessment combined with summative assessment allows each and every child.

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Presentation on theme: "Information evening. What do we assess? Ryvers believes that strong teacher assessment combined with summative assessment allows each and every child."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information evening

2 What do we assess? Ryvers believes that strong teacher assessment combined with summative assessment allows each and every child to progress Class teachers assess English (Reading and Writing) and Maths We assess foundation subjects This informs our teaching and ensures children make good progress

3 When do we assess? Daily! Report and analyse our assessments termly Report to parents termly

4 English Reading (phonics/comprehension), Writing and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. PIRA Linked to the curriculum coverage inc. arithmetic PUMA Maths

5 AF 1 Use a range of strategies, including accurate decoding of text, to read for meaning AF2 Understand, describe select or retrieve information events or ideas from texts and use quotation and reference to text AF3 Deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from text AF4 Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts, including grammatical and presentational features at text level AF5 Explain and comment on the writers’ use of language, including grammatical and literary features at word and sentence level AF6 Identify and comment on writers’ purposes and viewpoints, and the overall effect of the text on the reader AF7 Relate texts to their cultural and historical context and literary traditions Reads some high frequency and familiar words Reads fluently and automatically ƒ Can decode familiar and some unfamiliar words using blending as the prime approach ƒ Some awareness of punctuation marks, e.g. pausing at full stops Uses expression when reading familiar books Re-reads to self correct if meaning is lost Uses different voices for characters when reading dialogue aloud Uses different voice pitch to indicate whether they are reading exclamations or questions Reads most Yr 1 words on sight Recalls some aspects of a narrative Can answer simple questions about non- fiction text Shows understanding of main characters and events in a story Can answer who what why when where questions related to fiction and non-fiction texts Talks about main events. Uses specific details in book to answer questions Identifies the meaning of vocabulary in context Retrieves key information from the text Asks questions to clarify Predicts events and endings Talks about characters and settings with some reliance on pictures Identifies motives of the main character based on what they have said and done Connect what they read or hear to their own experiences Express preferences linked to text e.g. ‘ I like swimming too’ Comment on things that interest them Knows where to start reading – tracks print from left to right and top to bottom Understands and uses terms story, fairy story, rhyme or poem, cover, title, author Will talk about significant features of layout, eg enlarged text for scary part, capitals/bold for emphasis Understands terms fiction and non-fiction. Identifies the beginning, middle and end of stories Identifies how non- fiction texts are sequenced and typical openings/ endings Observes punctuation and uses this to aid understanding Identifies complete sentences Uses the language of known story for re- telling – particularly repetitive patterns, eg ‘I’ll huff and I’ll puff” When asked can talk about rhyme and repetition in patterned texts Enjoys word-play in books and may be able to identify words and phrases they like Identifies patterns in poetry Discuss the significance of the title. Will say what they like about a book Returns to favourite books saying why they like this particular book. Can identify major points in a story Makes choice from selection of book and explains preference With support, justifies their view about texts they have had read to them Knows the voice telling the story is called a narrator Can find similar books from teacher prepared selection, eg books about cats Can seek out books around a simple theme Sorts book by theme – own or teacher’s criteria Reading Year 1

6 Bands Year Group Band Approximate Age Relation These are progressive stages and children should move on when ready not be limited to year groups Pre-Nursery22 – 36 E/D/S2 to 3 years N N1N2N3 3 to 4 years R R1R2R3 4 to 5 years 11235 to 6 years 24566 to 7 years 37897 to 8 years 41011128 to 9 years 51314159 to 10 years 616171810 to 11 years KS319202111 +

7 Foundation subject assessment Year One Curriculum AreaAutumn TermSpring TermSummer Term Theme Let’s Celebrate Celebrations are an important part of human life. All people and cultures take part in and hold celebrations. The Magic Toymaker In this unit, children learn about toys from the past and create their own toys using a variety of craft skills. Circus! We all love being entertained and enjoying ourselves. For a very long time, the circus has been a special place where people, from many parts of the world go to be entertained, laugh and have fun. Humanities I know what a nation is and understand a nation’s history. I can recount changes that have happened in my own life. I can answer geographical questions such as, ‘What is this place like? Where is this place? What do people do in this place?’ I can use world maps and atlases to find the UK and identify the countries in the UK. I can use phrases such as ‘a long time ago, when my parents were young, decades and years.’ I can label time lines with phrases such as older, newer and past, present. I can use artefacts, pictures, stories, online resources and databases. I know that artefacts and events can be put in order and can order them using a timeline. I can observe and handle evidence, ask questions and find answers to questions about the past. I can ask questions such as, ‘What was it like for people?’ ‘How long ago?’ ‘What happened?’ I can name, locate and identify characteristics of the four capital cities of the UK and their surrounding areas. I understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a small area of the UK and a contrasting non European country. Art and Design Technology I know which primary colours mix together to make a secondary colour. I know how to add black and white to colours to change the tone and tint. I can cut safely using scissors to cut. I can design products that have a clear purpose and an intended user. I can use rolled up paper, straws, paper, card and clay as materials I can use techniques such as rolling, cutting, moulding and carving. I can explore objects and designs to identify likes and dislikes. I know that different materials are used depending on their properties. I can use some of the ideas of artists studied to create pieces I know that patterns and texture can be created by adding dots and lines, and create these effects. I can shape textiles using templates. I can glue two materials together to join them effectively.

8 Foundation subject assessment

9 Foundation subjects are assessed by the class teacher against the key objectives – these are on the curriculum map (website) Assessment is formative – the teacher’s knowledge of the child, and is: - 1: Emerging - 2: Expected - 3: Exceeding

10 Short Reports

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