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Nama : Tuan Muhammad Zaim bin Tuan Kob No matrik : A143063 Fakulti: FGG/1 HHHC9301 KEMAHIRAN PENGURUSAN MAKLUMAT DAN PEMBELAJARAN SEPANJANG HAYAT.

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Presentation on theme: "Nama : Tuan Muhammad Zaim bin Tuan Kob No matrik : A143063 Fakulti: FGG/1 HHHC9301 KEMAHIRAN PENGURUSAN MAKLUMAT DAN PEMBELAJARAN SEPANJANG HAYAT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nama : Tuan Muhammad Zaim bin Tuan Kob No matrik : A143063 Fakulti: FGG/1 HHHC9301 KEMAHIRAN PENGURUSAN MAKLUMAT DAN PEMBELAJARAN SEPANJANG HAYAT

2 #HCDrAtika 1. Type of activity : Start and finish a 1000pcs jigsaw puzzle



5 2. Why did you choose that particular activity : 1. Because I never did 1000 pcs jigsaw puzzle before and it was quite challenging. 2. Because I spend RM 80 for this jigsaw puzzle 

6 3. The importance of jigsaw puzzle : 1 ) Jigsaw puzzle helps you exercise both right and left part of the brain. ‘ Left-brain thinks logically and follows sequence while the right brain is creative, intuitive and emotional. When you try to put together a jigsaw puzzle, you harness both the brainpowers ’. 2) Jigsaw puzzle help to sharpen memory. It reinforce short term memory. ‘ There have been several studies like the MacArthur Study, that has found that people who have been used to doing jigsaw puzzles as well as cross word and were fully active stood to gain a longer life span and also lesser chances of falling prey to Alzheimer’s, memory loss, dementia and other old age problems ‘.

7 3 ) It improves spatial coordination which is good for both children and elderly people. “People who do jigsaw puzzles show greater spatial ability” – Sherry Willis of Pennsylvania State University, psychologist. 4 ) It is a good family activity.

8 Reference good-brain/ good-brain/ w_puzzle.html w_puzzle.html help-the-brain-and-relieve-stress,118125

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