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CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 12076261 Methodology Workshop Catia / Smarteam L’ ateliers de méthodologies Catia / Smarteam 10eme Forum.

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Presentation on theme: "CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 12076261 Methodology Workshop Catia / Smarteam L’ ateliers de méthodologies Catia / Smarteam 10eme Forum."— Presentation transcript:

1 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 12076261 Methodology Workshop Catia / Smarteam L’ ateliers de méthodologies Catia / Smarteam 10eme Forum Utilisateurs CATIA au CERN Le 22.03.2012

2 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 12076262 Topics Historic of the methodology workshop. Main reason for writing a methodologies. Basic rules. Advertising, communicating. Specifics points (Control & Evolution). Questions ?

3 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 12076263 Historic of the methodology workshop This Workshop has been implemented by GUCS. It has to be done by the Users for the Users. Definition: Le but de la «méthodologie CatiaV5» est de regrouper et de classer les «bonnes méthodes» de travail, de modélisation des ensembles complexes et/ou récurant propre à l’utilisation des logiciels Catia V5 et Smarteam dans le contexte globale du CERN.

4 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 12076264 Propose tools and structures to write methodologies adapted to the different Cern needs. Help in formalizing methodologies. Collect the different needs and set the priorities. participants: M. Paris & Gucs members & R. Betemps

5 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 12076265 Main reason for writing a methodologies To simplify the users work and to give users guidelines for specific topics. To establish a common ways of work and to make models exchanges easier for everyone. To increase the quality of the models and the stability of the system. To promote future automatic functions and data exchange. and future migrations easier to handle.

6 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 12076266 Basic Rules A “good methodology” will cover ~ 80% of the working cases. The rest of the cases should be treated with specific solutions. We need the help and the work from all the users in writing and defining the methodologies. We should ensure the robustness of the solutions. In the actual situation but also on the near future.

7 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 12076267 Different type of methodologies Base Rules: Rules related to the tools we use. These rules have to be established to guaranty the stability of the system and the quality of the data. Typically documents like : - Consignes d’utilisation de CATIA au CERN N° EDMS : 943040 -Part of the FAQ. Rules Related to each ones Work: This rules are dedicate to a specific business. To organize or establish guidelines to solve recurrent or specifics needs. Typically: Welding Frame… General Cern Rules or historic (old data …).

8 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 12076268 Advertising, communicating Through training. Through forum Presentations. Through the “Correspondants Locaux”. Through meetings or specific training.

9 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 12076269 Tools propose to Communicate Add the information on the Web with a classification. Template type : PowerPoint - Simple and graphic. - Easily re-used. - The information has to be short and summarized.

10 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 120762610 Tools propose to Communicate

11 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 120762611 Tools propose to Communicate: Document structure Objective: Introduction to the methodology, aim of the methodology, reason for it, people/group/dpt involved etc.. Key words: Field concerned: Workbenches Concerned (Catia /Smarteam) Requirements Limits Related documents: General Process description Graph set / process Summary Explanation Step by step Print screen Video Control Points to control Reference people: Justification Origin of the request/need

12 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 120762612 Specifics Points: Control & Evolution Control: o The use of the rules defined by the methodologies have to be controlled. o The way they are controlled is part of the methodology document. o Possible control tools: check list, for control 1, Q-checker… Evolution of the methodologies is necessary: o Evolution with the experience and the needs. o Evolution with the tools (Catia/Smarteam).

13 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 120762613 Conclusion We have some tools and some ideas to structure and develop the methodologies Catia /Smateam We need your help and support to develop it.

14 CERN Methodology document R. Betemps / EDMS Doc N° 120762614 Questions? Comments ?

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