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CHAPTER 4, 5, 6, 7 – MICROSOFT WORD Sravanthi Lakkimsetty Nov 18, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 4, 5, 6, 7 – MICROSOFT WORD Sravanthi Lakkimsetty Nov 18, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 4, 5, 6, 7 – MICROSOFT WORD Sravanthi Lakkimsetty Nov 18, 2015

2 ANNOUNCEMENTS MyITLab Lesson E grades are up. If you’ve missed any previous MyITLab lessons, --- try to go back and do them for half the points any time between now and dead week (Monday, Nov 30, 2015).

3 DOCUMENT REVISIONS Set Username and customize the track Changes Options Track Document Changes View, Add, Delete Comments Accept and Reject Changes

4 DOCUMENT REVISIONS Change username and track changes options Go to Review Tab -> Tracking Section and Click on Track Changes (Markup, Balloons) View, Add, Delete comments Example: Select word and write the correct word. Make sure that Track Changes Option is selected. Accept and Reject Changes One can accept or reject changes made by some other. If accepted, it automatically replaces the correct word or modifications such as styles, font, color etc.

5 RESEARCH PAPER BASICS Create and Search for a Source Bibliography Create and modify Footnotes

6 Create and Search for a source When writing research papers, You have to add Citations (Note recognizing a source of information or a quoted passage) for your work. Go to References Tab -> Citations and Bibliography Section Bibliography List of works cited or consulted by an author in a document. Choose any one Bibliography Style and insert Bibliography at the end of document.

7 FootNotes / EndNotes Footnotes put a superscripted symbol after a word and place the corresponding reference information at the bottom of that page. Endnotes do the same thing, but the information is placed on the last page of the document. Click to the right of word you need to enter the footnotes in the list References ribbon > Insert Footnote Type needed information in the footnote area

8 INSERTING CHARTS OLE: Object Linking & Embedding –Can take a chart in an existing Excel file and embed a copy in our document –This works in PowerPoint as well ! Download the following file, but do not open it: Excel_chart.xlsx

9 INSERTING CHARTS In Word > Insert ribbon > Text group > Object Create from File tab Browse for Excel_chart.xlsx Click Insert and OK Resize chart using fill handles

10 EQUATION EDITOR Can build Equation objects with symbols otherwise not available. Do not need to know math to make them, just build them one piece at a time… We are going to build this We do 1 character at a time and pick what we need from the menus for exponents and fraction.

11 EQUATION EDITOR First, select “Script” to add the boxes for number with exponent (superscript) Type w 2 in the individual resulting boxes Click to the right of “2” to return to the main line

12 EQUATION EDITOR Type + f w – Click Fraction and select the “Stacked Fraction” Place another Superscript exponent pair in the top half Enter e 3

13 EQUATION EDITOR Enter 27 in the lower half of the fraction (denominator) Click to the right of the 27 to return the cursor to the main line Type =0 Press [Enter] and click once on equation Increase the font size to Cambria Math 28 Voila!

14 FOR FUN! Try to make this equation:

15 SYMBOLS AND SPECIAL CHARACTERS Two methods to enter these: –Insert ribbon > Symbols group > Symbol > More Symbols > Special Characters tab –Or, Word will automatically convert some standard characters into typographic symbols.


17 DOCUMENT THEMES Document theme is a set of coordinating –fonts, –colors, and –Special Effects that give a stylish and professional look Go to Design Tab -> Themes

18 DOCUMENT PROTECTION AND AUTHENTICATION Set Password Set Formatting Restrictions Set Editing Restrictions Insert a signature line

19 SET PASSWORD Click File > Info >Protect Document > Encrypt with Password

20 SET FORMATTING AND EDITING RESTRICTIONS Go to Review Tab -> Restrict Editing In the Right you will have a plane with several options :

21 INSERT A SIGNATURE LINE Where we will use this ? Go to Insert Tab -> Signature Line Give Details

22 HYPERLINK To add a hyperlink Go to Insert tab  Hyperlink Test the link by holding the CTRL key and clicking it.

23 WORD TO PDF You can even publish your word document as an Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) file Select SAVE AS from the FILE menu and choose PDF option.


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