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DEMONSTRATION OF BENCHMARKS FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT SELF- ASSESSMENT TOOL Sheri Fischer, TA Specialist, Office of Child Care’s National Center on Child.

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Presentation on theme: "DEMONSTRATION OF BENCHMARKS FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT SELF- ASSESSMENT TOOL Sheri Fischer, TA Specialist, Office of Child Care’s National Center on Child."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEMONSTRATION OF BENCHMARKS FOR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT SELF- ASSESSMENT TOOL Sheri Fischer, TA Specialist, Office of Child Care’s National Center on Child Care Quality Improvement

2 BQI Self-Assessment Tool Organized by the benchmarks and indicators Includes questions to answer about your state’s quality improvement system Responses provide evidence for determining status Self-Assessment Results report – Populated with Progress Measure and notes about indicators and strategic planning

3 Access to Tool Username and password – Account information coming early next week – Will receive temporary password and then you change it to your own – Can request an account from the log-in page – choose CCDF Admin as role All team members receive their own account with unique username and password

4 Access to Tool, cont. All team members can see the same records for your state Multiple people can enter information, but only one person at a time Assessments are given a name and saved State System Specialists and Quality Center TA Specialists will have access to the states they work with – to support your work on doing the self-assessment

5 Welcome Page If new assessment, choose date of assessment and give it a name Dashboard shows all of the assessments that have been saved – Can create a new one or work on an existing assessment – Suggest team members work in one assessment for this process – Existing assessments can be “cloned” and given a new name and date – information transfers Links provided to resource documents – Full text of benchmarks/indicators – Text of BQI questions and crosswalk to OCC reporting questions

6 Entering Information Each benchmark element is a section – For example, all the standards indicators are grouped together in the Program Standards section Each indicator has a page, listed under benchmarks Click on the indicator number to see data entry screen Respond to questions by clicking boxes or entering text Text fields are available to put notes as you enter information – such as the source or date entered PRESS THE SAVE BUTTON!!!!!!

7 Viewing Responses to Self-Assessment Questions Answers to questions for each benchmark can be pulled up for reference and review – All indicators in one place Click blue tab next to the benchmark List of questions and your answers appears Working on formatting in this feature

8 Saving Information Press SAVE at the bottom of the page – Before clicking Next or choosing another indicator Information will not save automatically

9 Progress Measures Progress Measures are at the end of the indicator pages After answering questions, assess your state’s status – No action – Developing – Implementing – Fully implementing Text box is available for notes

10 Indicator and Strategic Planning Notes Indicator Notes field – Write a summary of your status on this indicator – This summary will appear in the Self-Assessment Results report Strategic Planning Notes field – Write a summary of your plans for making progress on the indicator – This will be used at the end of the process – Strategic planning tool will be introduced during a later session

11 Self-Assessment Results Again, make sure you click SAVE!!! Click Self-Assessment Results button to pull up the report populated with – Progress Measures – Indicator Notes – Strategic Planning Notes - at the end of the TLT Report can be saved as a PDF to your computer

12 Support on Tool Sheri Fischer – Darlene Hamilton – – Questions about use of tool – Process accounts for new team members We welcome your feedback on the tool!

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