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John Walker – Martin Montgomery Mitochondria – ATP Synthase.

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Presentation on theme: "John Walker – Martin Montgomery Mitochondria – ATP Synthase."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Walker – Martin Montgomery Mitochondria – ATP Synthase


3 In your body the electric motor enzyme ATP Synthase driven by protons – not electrons – catalyses the reaction: ADP + P → ATP

4 A protons neutralise negatively charged groups on the stator causing it to turn


6 A rotating central spindle opens and closes the cavity gaps allowing ADP and P in and ATP out


8 Meccano Clockwork Motor

9 Hornby Metropolitan Londom Subway Engine


11 ATP synthase (EC is an important enzyme that provides energy for the cell to use through the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the most commonly used "energy currency" of cells from most organisms. It is formed from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (P i ), and needs energy.EC3.6.3.14enzymeadenosine triphosphateATPadenosine diphosphatephosphate energy The overall reaction sequence is: ATP synthase + ADP + P i → ATP Synthase + ATP Energy is often released in the form of protium or H+, moving down an electrochemical gradient, such as from the lumen into the stroma of chloroplasts or from the inter-membrane space into the matrix in mitochondria.protiumelectrochemical gradientchloroplastsmitochondria

12 rotating spindle opens and closes the cavities

13 ADP + P enter

14 A protons neutralise negatively charged groups on the stator causing it to turn

15 ATP ejected

16 An electric motor driven by protons in water !

17 A protons neutralise negatively charged groups on the stator causing it to turn – this is a real electric motor – driven by protons – NB in aqueous media!!!! Central rotating spindle opens and closes the cavities to allow ADP to enter and ATP to escape ADP and P enter the cavities and combine to form ATP ATP ejected

18 This is a real electric motor – driven by protons (not electrons) – NB in water !!!! Paul Boyer and John Walker Balmoos and Dimroth

19 rotating spindle opens and closes the cavities Protons neutralise –v ely charged moiety on rotor causing rotor to rotate 30 o ADP + Pi enter cavity ATP ejected

20 ATP Synthase Paul Boyer John Walker

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