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CAMEO: Face Recognition Year 1 Progress and Year 2 Goals Fernando de la Torre, Carlos Vallespi, Takeo Kanade.

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Presentation on theme: "CAMEO: Face Recognition Year 1 Progress and Year 2 Goals Fernando de la Torre, Carlos Vallespi, Takeo Kanade."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAMEO: Face Recognition Year 1 Progress and Year 2 Goals Fernando de la Torre, Carlos Vallespi, Takeo Kanade

2 Face Recognition from video. – How to learn a facial model from the data coming from the face detector?

3 Face Recognition from video. Challenges: 1)How to learn INVARIANTLY to spatial transformations? Simultaneous registration and Subspace computation. 2) How to select the most discriminative features? 3) How to deal with missing data?

4 Face Recognition from video. –Register w.r.t a Subspace –Selecting the most discriminative samples.

5 Face Recognition from video. Distance between Sets A and B. Singular vectors of A A= B= - How to exploit temporal redundancy in the recognition process?

6 Face Recognition from video. 95 % of recognition rate (11 Subjects and 30 images per subject).

7 Plans year 2. Why is hard to perform face recognition from Mosaic images? –Small images. –Noisy images. –Misalignments. But… –Temporal redundancy. –Recognizing several people (exclusive principle). –Superesolution.

8 Learning person-specific models. Unsupervised learning from video sequences: –Facial appearance models. –Behaviour models (e.g. gestures). Learning person-specific models can be useful to identify people, to predict actions?

9 Meeting visualization/summarization Input: –Set of several videos, with detected and recognized faces. –Set of indicators if the person is talking, up, down, etc… Output: –Low dimensional visualization of the meeting activity and interaction between people. –Learning interaction models between people.

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