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Particle on a Ring An introduction to Angular Momentum Quantum Physics II Recommended Reading: Harris, Chapter 6.

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1 Particle on a Ring An introduction to Angular Momentum Quantum Physics II Recommended Reading: Harris, Chapter 6

2 Particle confined to a circular ring In this problem we consider a particle of mass m confined to move in a horizontal circle of radius. This problem has important applications in the spectroscopy of molecules and is a good way to introduce the concept of ANGULAR MOMENTUM in quantum mechanics. Can specify the position of the particle at any time by giving its x and y coordinates. r m  BUT this is a one dimensional problem and so we only need one coordinate to specify the position of the particle at any time t. The position is specified by the angle  (t), the angle made by the vector r with the horizontal. If orbit is horizontal then there potential energy of the particle is constant and can be taken as zero: U = 0 What is the potential if the orbit is vertical? Then we must include gravity, much more difficult problem.

3 Classical Treatment r m  v s m = mass of particle v = instantaneous velocity = ds/dt r = radius vector s = arc length  = angle = s/r Can then define angular velocity  The kinetic energy is constant and equal to ½mv 2 In terms of the angular velocity this can be expressed as The quantity I = mr 2 is the moment of inertia of the particle, then The angular momentum L of the particle is defined as Can write the energy of the particle in terms of the angular momentum

4 Note that the angular momentum L is perpendicular to both r and v (since L = mr  v ). can have two directions for the velocity, clockwise or anti-clockwise, r L v r v L Magnitude of L is the same in both situations, but direction is different. Must remember that L is a vector

5 TISE for particle confined to a circular ring The time independent Schrodinger equation is (in (x,y) coordinates) (1) If we express this in terms of the angle  then x = r.cos(  ), y = r.sin(  ) or tan(  ) = y/x and Schrodinger’s equation becomes (2) (3) but mr 2 = I, the moment of inertia of the particle, So TISE is (4) want to solve this equation for the wavefunctions and the allowed energy levels

6 (5) Solutions to TISE for particle on a circular ring rearrange (4) A general solution of this differential equation is (6) where Check this (7) The wavefunction must be single valued for all values of . In particular if we rotate through an angle 2  the wavefunction must return back to the same value it started with: from (7) we then get Energies are quantised. Allowed values are given by eqn (8) (8)

7 Energy Spectrum where m L =0,  1,  2,  3, …. m L =0 m L =1 m L =2 m L =3 m L =4 m L =5 E 0 =0 E 1 =1 E 2 =4 E 2 =9 E 2 =16 E 2 =25 Energies in units of

8 Energy Spectrum where m L =0,  1,  2,  3, …. Energies in units of m L =0 m L =1 m L =2 m L =3 m L =4 m L =5 E 0 =0 E 1 =1 E 2 =4 E 2 =9 E 2 =16 E 2 =25 Energy all states are doubly degenerate except the ground state (m = 0) which is singly degenerate. - m Lc mLmL + m L

9 Degeneracy of Solutions Equation (6) shows that there are two solutions for each value of m L, (except m L = 0) [ exp(im L  ) and exp(-im L  )]  doubly degenerate system. The two solutions correspond to particles with the same energy but rotating in opposite directions r m  r m  Compare this with linear motion of a free particle, where the solutions are also doubly degenerate; Aexp(ikx) (+x direction) and Aexp(-ikx) (-x direction)

10 Normalisation From normalisation condition Hence And the normalised wavefunctions are (9) (10)

11 Probability Distribution What is it probability P, that the particle will be found at a particular angle  ? Note that this is independent of the angle  and the quantum number m L  equal probability of finding the particle anywhere on the ring no matter what state it is in! 0 22 Angle  Probability 1/2  However, note that the wavefunctions are complex. They have a real and an imaginary part

12 The Wavefunctions Recall that so the wavefunctions can be written as Real part of the wavefunction = cos(m L  ) Imaginary part of the wavefunction = sin(m L  ) and again we see that We can visualise the real and imaginary parts of the wavefunction as follows.

13 sin(1.  ) cos(1.  ) 11 1111 0 22 Angle 

14 sin(2.  ) cos(2.  ) 2222 0 22 Angle 

15 3333 sin(3.  )cos(3.  ) 0 22 Angle 

16 sin(1.  ) cos(1.  ) 11

17 2222

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