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Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford dictionary of English language is one of the most famous academic dictionaries of English language edited by the publishing.

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1 Oxford English Dictionary

2 Oxford dictionary of English language is one of the most famous academic dictionaries of English language edited by the publishing house “Oxford University Press”.

3 The dictionary was created by London philology society in 1857 year. The plan was formulated in 1859 year. James Marry has been the editor.

4 The 1 st of February in 1884. The dictionary was published for the 1 st time named “New English dictionary on Historical Principles”. The publication consisted of : 10 volumes, and published up to 1928.

5 In 1933 the dictionary was reedited and consisted of 12 volumes. In 1989 the 2 nd publication began in 20 volumes.

6 Oxford dictionary contains all the words with detailed, information. Then you can find the change of the meanings, spelling, pronunciation, usage in different historical periods. Oxford dictionary: 500 000 words 2 000 000 quotations

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