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CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 1February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Swift Fox Automotive Accelerometer & RPM Monitor Team Andrew.

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Presentation on theme: "CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 1February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Swift Fox Automotive Accelerometer & RPM Monitor Team Andrew."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 1February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Swift Fox Automotive Accelerometer & RPM Monitor Team Andrew Robinson Peter Brunke Wajdi Alshalan Sham Alroomi Advisor Dr. Lu Industry Representative Mr. Steve Kassel

2 CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 2February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Overview Project Summary. Block diagram. Accomplishments. Pictures of Project. Plans. Issues/Concerns. Conclusions.

3 CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 3February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Summary Instrumentation for a motor vehicle which measures, records and display physical operational information. Measures Lateral Acceleration and Engine RPM. Engine temperature, radiator pressure or other parameters can be obtaining by using the appropriate sensors (up to three more sensors).

4 CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 4February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Block diagram

5 CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 5February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Accomplishments TOP Rev. 1.0 Approved. Obtained PCB from PCB Express. Hardware Soldered on PCB. Done with (A/D Converter & EEPROM) Programming. Updated Website. 55 % done of programming. 85 % done of overall design.

6 CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 6February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Pictures of Project

7 CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 7February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Plans Finish Microcontroller Programming. Finish Display Programming. Debug Hardware. Debug Software.

8 CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 8February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Schedule

9 CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 9February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Milestones NumberDescriptionOriginal 11/04/04 Previous 01/24/05 Present 02/24/05 √ 9Design Release12/10/041/21/05 √ 10Order PCB12/17/0402/04/05 11Program Components1/05/0503/04/05 12Program I/O and Spreadsheet Converter 1/05/0503/04/05 √ 13Construct Electronic Components 1/21/052/28/05 √ 14Theory of Operations Approval2/11/05 15Prototype Release/Approval4/08/05 16Founder’s Day Presentation4/12/05 17Final Report Approval4/22/05

10 CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 10February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Concerns/Issues -Completion of ME FSAE car (we can develop our product without them, but it will make for a good demo). -Debugging is challenging.

11 CS-EE 481 Spring 2005 11February, 2005 University of Portland School of Engineering Questions? ?

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