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PMT Readout and Floor Triggering Charge estimation using the times over the thresholds Event Building and Triggering + multiplicity George Bourlis.

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Presentation on theme: "PMT Readout and Floor Triggering Charge estimation using the times over the thresholds Event Building and Triggering + multiplicity George Bourlis."— Presentation transcript:

1 PMT Readout and Floor Triggering Charge estimation using the times over the thresholds Event Building and Triggering + multiplicity George Bourlis

2 ReadOut Electronics GPS Input USB PortTrigger Output5 PMT Signal Inputs 25ps accuracy TDC HPTDC 32 channels (LR) – 8 Channels (HR) 25ps (HR) to 100 ps (LR) accuracy Self Calibrating

3 ReadOut Electronics



6 Card Debugging Configuration Trigger Input splitter discrimi nator - Offset of each input - Scale of each input - Timing among input channels

7 Sample Pulses Input 1

8 Sample Pulses Input 1

9 Sample Pulses Input 1

10 The Photomultiplier Tube: PH: XP1912 Charge (pCb) Single p.e Gain vs HV Calibration @ “nominal” H.V. gain: ~ 4 10 5 /p.e. ~ 0.07pCb /p.e. ~ 1.05mV Rise Time: 1.2 ns Charge (in units of mean p.e. charge) At the Detector Center  Data - Monte Carlo Prediction

11 Charge versus Time Over Threshold Charge (pC) Time Over Threshold (s) 1 st Threshold only 1 st & 2 nd Threshold 1 st, 2 nd & 3 rd Threshold 4mV 50mV 15mV

12 Charge Parameterization 1 st & 2 nd Threshold1 st, 2 nd & 3 rd Threshold

13 Charge Estimation 1 st & 2 nd Threshold1 st, 2 nd & 3 rd Threshold 11%8% - Estimated Resolution ~10% - Better if all thresholds are crossed

14 Charge Estimation 1 st & 2 nd Threshold1 st, 2 nd & 3 rd Threshold - σ=(1.01 ± 0.01) (2 thresholds) - σ=(1.1 ± 0.1) (3 thresholds)

15 Time (ns) Trigger Input




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