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Subscription Databases Presented by: Redouane Sabbar Library Media Franklin High School Franklin Summer Academy June 16 - June 19, 2009 Franklin.

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Presentation on theme: "Subscription Databases Presented by: Redouane Sabbar Library Media Franklin High School Franklin Summer Academy June 16 - June 19, 2009 Franklin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subscription Databases Presented by: Redouane Sabbar Library Media Specialist @ Franklin High School Franklin Summer Academy June 16 - June 19, 2009 Franklin Summer Academy June 16 - June 19, 2009

2 Learning Targets Understand the difference between subscription databases and public domain information Apply online search methods efficiently Incorporate reliable information from databases into lesson plans

3 Badgerlink A state-wide DPI initiative that allow Wisconsin residents to access a select number of important subscription databases Provides equal access to quality online information resources for Wisconsin residents The DPI currently contracts with five vendors –EBSCO –ProQuest –Thomson Gale –NewspaperARCHIVE –TeachingBooks

4 Electronic Research strategies

5 Boolean Search Logic AND OR BUT NOT or NOT Truncation and Wild Card

6 The Boolean AND catsdogs Cats and dogs

7 The Boolean OR cats dogs cats or dogs

8 The Boolean BUT NOT/NOT catsdogs

9 Complex Boolean cats and dogs and fish catsdogs fish cats dogs fish

10 Complex Boolean (cats AND dogs) OR fish catsdogs fish

11 Complex Boolean (cats AND dogs) BUT NOT fish catsdogs fish

12 Truncation or Wild Card wom?n will result in finding women and woman teach* will result in finding teach, teacher, teaching, teaches, teachable.

13 Phrases vs. Grouped Words “ industrial revolution ” is searched as a phrase and will not be broken apart. ( industrial or inventions or technology or machine ) and revolution the search engine will search for any of the words within parentheses and the word revolution.

14 Domain for for for for for companies providing networking for non-profit

15 Web Site Evaluation Source Currency Authority Reliability Motive Depth of coverage Ease of use

16 Source Know where the information comes from. links? Figure out the source of the information. homepage?

17 Currency Why is currency important? When was the information originally presented? How often is it updated? When was it last revised? Do the links work?

18 Authority The author ’ s background Site design Attention to detail Multiple citations

19 Reliability You want to know whether the links work and whether the site will be around next week.

20 Motive What is the purpose of the site? - persuade? - inform? - explain? - sell?

21 Depth of Coverage Can you find information specific to your topic and is it well explained and cited?

22 Ease of Use Is the page well designed? Can you tell what to do when you get there or for whom the pages are intended? Are there unnecessary animations? Does the background enhance or distract from the content?

23 Searching for Articles Your best sources for articles that are reliable is one of the professional databases available on

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