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Fiction Terms. Elements of Fiction Theme: author’s main point, main idea Setting: when and where the story takes place Antagonist: The force or person.

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Presentation on theme: "Fiction Terms. Elements of Fiction Theme: author’s main point, main idea Setting: when and where the story takes place Antagonist: The force or person."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiction Terms

2 Elements of Fiction Theme: author’s main point, main idea Setting: when and where the story takes place Antagonist: The force or person working against the protagonist Protagonist: the main character (can be good or bad) Symbol: when an object has more meaning than just the literal meaning.

3 More fiction terms Tone: attitude of the speaker Narrator: Voice telling the story Allusion: reference to a historical event or work of literature (the reader should recognize them) Plot: The events of a story

4 More terms… Internal Conflict: struggle within a character involving no outside forces External Conflict: struggle between the protagonist and an outside force (person, nature, animals etc) Characters: the people or things in a story

5 Plot: Exposition: Background Information Inciting Incident: The problem (when the trouble begins) Rising Action: Events that lead to the climax Climax: Turning point of the story Falling Action: the events after the Climax Resolution: how the problem is solved Denoument: conclusion

6 Point of View: how the story is told Third Person: the narrator is someone outside of the story telling about the characters in the story.  Omnicient: narrator knows everything about the characters thoughts, feelings, and motives  Limited: narrator tells the story in third person but stays within what is experienced by the character.

7 First Person: the narrator speaks as I, the story is limited to what the first person narrator knows or can find out.

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