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Discussion of Pictorial Structures Pedro Felzenszwalb Daniel Huttenlocher Sicily Workshop September, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion of Pictorial Structures Pedro Felzenszwalb Daniel Huttenlocher Sicily Workshop September, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion of Pictorial Structures Pedro Felzenszwalb Daniel Huttenlocher Sicily Workshop September, 2006

2 2 What are Pictorial Structures?  Local appearance –Part models –Parts  feature detection  Global geometry –Not necessarily fully connected graph  Joint optimization –Combine appearance and geometry without hard constraints “Stretch and fit” Qualitative

3 3 Pictorial Structure Models  Parts have match quality at each location –Location in a configuration space –No feature detection  Maps for parts combined together into overall quality map –According to underlying graph structure

4 4 A History of Pictorial Structures  Fischler and Elschlager original 1973 paper  Burl, Weber and Perona ECCV 1998 –Probabilistic formulation –Full joint Gaussian spatial model –Computational challenges led to feature-based  Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher CVPR 2000 –Explicit revisiting of FE73 for trees, probabilistic –Efficient algorithms using distance transforms  Crandall et al CVPR 2005, ECCV 2006 –Low tree-width graph structures, unsupervised

5 5 Matching Pictorial Structures  Cost map for each part  Distance transform (soft max) using spatial model  Shift and combine –Localize root then recursively other parts

6 6 Learning Models  Automatically determine which spatial relationships to represent [FH03]  Weakly supervised learning [CH06] –Learn part appearance and geometric relations simultaneously –No labeling of part locations –Use large number of patches, similar to Ullman –Better detection accuracy than strongly supervised Car (rear) star topology

7 7 Parts as Context  No part detected without using context provided by other parts –Detect overall configuration composed of parts in a spatial arrangement  Allows for weak evidence for a part –Unlike feature detection  Combination of matches can constrain pose  In contrast to scene-level context –More spatial regularity

8 8 Factored Models  For n parts in fixed arrangement with k templates per part –Exponential number of possibilities, O(k n )  For variable arrangement, another exponential factor  Important both for representation and algorithmic efficiency  Pictorial structures takes particular advantage of this factoring

9 9 Closely Related Work  Ioffe and Forsyth, Ramanan and Forsyth human body pose –Part detection but very “dense” part locations  Constellation models –Fergus, Perona, Zisserman and others –Hard feature detection in contrast with BWP98 soft feature matching  Amit’s patch models –No assumption of independent part appearance  Fergus and Zisserman star models

10 10 What’s Important  No decisions until the end –No feature detection Quality maps or likelihoods –No hard geometric constraints Deformation costs or priors  Efficient algorithms –Dynamic programming critical or can’t get away without making intermediate decisions –Not applicable to all problems, need good factorizations of geometry and appearance

11 11 Some Pros  Good for categorical object recognition –Qualitative descriptions of appearance –Factoring variability in appearance and geometry  Deals well with occlusion –In contrast to hard feature detection  Weakly supervised learning algorithms  Sampling as way of dealing with models that don’t factor – more Saturday

12 12 Some Cons/Limitations  Most applicable to 2D objects defined by relatively small number of parts  Unclear how to extend to large number of transformation parameters per part –Explicit representation grows exponentially  No known way of using to index into model databases

13 13 Role of Spatial Constraints  For k-fans, spatial information substantially improves detection accuracy –However, limited by relatively small number of parts compared to features in a bag  General question

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