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Yarn Alive was born out of a desire to help women living in temporary housing as a result of the March 11, 2011 tsunami in Tohoku, Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "Yarn Alive was born out of a desire to help women living in temporary housing as a result of the March 11, 2011 tsunami in Tohoku, Japan."— Presentation transcript:


2 Yarn Alive was born out of a desire to help women living in temporary housing as a result of the March 11, 2011 tsunami in Tohoku, Japan.

3 Yarn Alive has 40 women who meet in temporary housing Tuesday and Wednesday. They love gathering and knitting/crocheting with one another, learning from one another and being inspired by one another.


5 Did you know that giving people a project to do with their hands can help alleviate depression and anxiety? Well we have seen it with our own eyes! So many women have found healing through the simple act of coming together and doing something with their hands which also stimulates the brain.


7 Items for sale Help support Yarn Alive! All funds received go towards continuing Yarn Alive operations



10 donate. Yarn Alive #36 TBC Hanabuchihama Shichigahama-Machi Miyagi-ken Japan 985-0803 We would love yarn! Please label the boxes as “Donation” and send to: Money can be donated via our website:

11 buy.sell Please contact Yarn Alive if you would like to buy or sell items. EMAIL:

12 Facebook: Yarn Alive Page Blog: Pintrest: FOLLOW US


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