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Published byJosephine Wheeler Modified over 9 years ago
2 Table of Content 1.Geographical outlay and NC Senior Management Team 2.Overview of Provincial Performance in relation to APP 2012/2013 3.Footprint -Operational & new Offices -Refurbished offices -Mobile Offices -Health facilities 4. Capacity information -NC Structural Reporting Framework -Capacity levels -Employment equity -People & Performance Management -Training & capacity building HR Projects - Filling of priority vacancies - Youth Development Programmes - Mandela Week Projects 5.Progress eradication of Corruption & vetting 6.Resources & Budget 8. Operations – Civic & Immigration Services 9.Achievements
3 Vision A safe, secure South Africa where all of its people are proud of, and value, their identity and citizenship. Mission The efficient determination and safeguarding of the identity and status of citizens and the regulation of immigration to ensure security, promote development and fulfill our international obligations. Values The DHA is committed to be: People-centred and caring Patriotic Professional and having integrity Corruption free and ethical Efficient and innovative
4 Strategic priorities – Provinces Strategic Outcome:Provincial Priority Goal 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity - Ensure that birth registration is the only entry point for SA Citizens to the National Population Register, - Issue identity documents to citizens 16 and above, - To secure systems and processes to combat fraud and corruption Goal 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development. - To implement effective asylum seeker and refugee management strategies and systems, - To regulate the sojourn of foreigners, - To facilitate the movement of regular travels across the borders Goal 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free. - To implement service delivery standards to improve Provincial efficiency, - To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients.
5 Provincial Overview
6 Northern Cape Statistics South Africa census of 2011 estimate the population of the province to be 1,145 881. The unemployment rate in the province is 27,4% whereas that of national is 29,8%.The literacy rate is estimated at 23%. The surface area of the province is 372 889km², 30,5% of the country’s total land mass. Sutherland is host to the southern hemisphere’s astronomical observatory, which is multi-nationally sponsored. Carnarvon is one of two sites to host the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), a giant next generation radio telescope being developed by scientists from 17 countries. The above mentioned developments will surely impact on the processing and management of enabling documents for scientist with specialized skills recruited from abroad, as well tourist that will be attracted to these sites. About 53,8%, of the population speak Afrikaans, and other languages are, Setswana, Xhosa and English, with the minority language being Khoisan. The major employment industries are agriculture, mining sector, tourism and government.
7 Overview of Provincial Performance in relation to APP 2012/2013 Achievement in relation to 2012/2013 Provincial business plan: Province achieved 24 out of the 39 targets – 62% Registration of births within 30 days Fraudulent births investigated within 30 days Connection of online health facilities Launch of the provincial stakeholder forum LRB applications pre-processed within 70 days High impact outreaches ID first issue applications registered on track and trace within 1 day ID first issue received from head office track and traced within 1 day ID re-issue applications registered on track and trace within 1 day ID re-issue received from head office track and traced within 1 day Passport applications captured within 1 day, Live capture Live passports received back from head office registered on track and trace 1 day Manual passport received back from head office registered on track and trace 1 day Permanent residence applications referred to head office 1 day Permanent residence permits scanned at front offices 1 day Temporary residence applications referred to head office 1 day Temporary permits scanned at front offices 1 day Employers successfully charged Undocumented foreigners deported directly within 30 days Undocumented foreigners transferred to Lindela within 30 days Compliance with Performance regulatory framework Number of clearances submitted to SSA All revenue recorded are banked on a daily basis Time spend in queues: Permitting 7 Targets were partially achieved - 18%. 8 Targets were not achieved – 20%
8 Provincial Manager Mr. Abednego Mvula Director Finance and Support Mr. O Choche District Manager Operations Frances Baard Mr. R Abrams Act District Manager Operations Pixley ka Seme Mr. R Abrams District Manager Operations Z F Mcgawu Ms.M Mogamisi Act District Manager Operations Namakwa Ms.M Mogamisi Act District Manager Operations JT Gaetsewe Ms.M Mogamisi 1 Large Office 2 Medium Offices 3 Small Offices 6 Health Facilities 2 Medium Offices 3 Small Offices Health Facilities 1 Large Office 1 Medium Office 1 Small Office Health Facilities 5 Ports Of Entry 2 Medium Offices Health Facilities 4 Ports of Entry 1 Large Office Health Facilities 2 Ports Of Entry Senior Provincial Management Structure
9 Northern Cape Footprint: District Current FootprintOfficeHospitalPort of Entry Envisage expansion 2013/2014 Frances Baard1 x Large OfficeKimberley 2 x Medium Offices Pampierstad, Jan Kempdorp 2 x Small Offices Barkly West, Galeshewe 2 x Thusong Centres Tlhokomelo, Roodepan 6 x Hospitals Kimberley, Galeshewe, Warrenton, ZK Matthews, Connie Vorster, Pampierstad Pixley ka Seme2 x Medium OfficesDe Aar, Prieska Hopetown and Victoria West Small Offices: pending accommodation 2 x Small Offices Carnarvon and Douglas 1 x Thusong CentreColesberg 6 x Hospitals Central Karoo, Manne Dipico, Fritz Visser, BJ Kempen, Hester Malan, Richmond Helpmekaar Hospital (Griekwastad) in quarter 3 John Taolo Gaetsewe1 Large OfficeKuruman 4 x Hospitals Tshwaragano, Kuruman, Olifantshoek, Kagiso 2 x Ports of Entry Middelputs, McCarthysrust
10 Northern Cape Footprint cont…. District Current FootprintOfficeHospitalPort of Entry Envisage expansion 2013/2014 ZF Mcgawu1 x Large OfficeUpington 1 x Medium OfficePostmasburg 1 x Small OfficeGroblershoop 5 x Hospitals Gordonia, Keimoes, Kakamas, Kenhardt, PostmasburgRietfontein Hospital in quarter 2 5 x Ports of Entry Upington Airport, Nakop, Gemsbok, Rietfontein, Twee Rivieren Namakwa2 x Medium officesSpringbok, Calvinia Sutherland - Negotiations with SAPO for office space finalized, awaiting final approval 5 x Hospitals Abram Esua, S van Niekerk, Port Nolloth, Pofadder, Joe Slovo 4 x Ports of Entry Alexander Bay, Sendelingsdrift, Vioolsdrift, Onseepkans TOTAL 3 x Large offices 7 x Medium Offices 5 x Small Offices 3 x Thusong centers 26 x Online Hospitals 11 x Ports of Entry 3 x Offices to be opened 2 x Hospitals to be opened
11 Ports of Entry Large Offices Medium offices Small offices BP Alexander bay BP Vioolsdrift BP Sendelingsdrift BP Nakop BP Onseepkans BP Upington Airport Upington BP Twee Rivieren BP Rietfontein BP Gemsbok BP McCarthysrust BP Middelputs Kuruman Springbok Calvinia Carnarvon Prieska Douglas Barkly West Galeshewe Kimberley Tlhokomelo De Aar Colesberg Groblershoop Pampierstad Jan Kempdorp Postmasburg Thusong Roodepan Outlay of footprint within province
12 District MunicipalityOffice Lease startLease end Frances BaardKimberley01/02/201231/01/2014 Frances Baard Jan Kempdorp01/01/201231/12/2013 Frances BaardGalesheweState building Frances BaardTlhokomeloState building Frances BaardRoodepanState building Frances BaardPM Office1/07/201030/06/2012 Frances BaardPampierstadState building Frances BaardBarkly WestState building John Taolo GaetseweKuruman1/09/201131/08/2013 John Taolo GaetseweHospital KurumanState building Lease periods of offices
13 District MunicipalityOffice Lease startLease end ZF McgawuUpington01/11/200931/10/2016 ZF McgawuPostmasburg01/06/201230/05/2014 ZF McgawuGroblershoop01/06/201330/06/2016 NamakwaCalvinia01/03/200828/002/2015 NamakwaSpringbok01/04/ 201131/03/2013 Pixley Ka SemePrieska01/04/201128/02/2014 Pixley Ka SemeDouglas1/03/201228/02/2014 Pixley Ka SemeCarnarvon01/08/2012 Pixley Ka SemeDe Aar01/01/201131/12/2012 Lease periods of offices cont….
14 Provincial smart ID card readiness OfficeNumber of boothsRoll out date Kimberley2July 2013 Kuruman2July 2013 Upington2July 2013 De Aar2March 2014 Springbok2March 2014 Total10
15 OfficeNew Reg.noDriveable Yes/No Functional Yes/NoCapacity KimberleyCCG 476 NCYesNo1 Driver, 1 Clerk UpingtonCGG 462 NCNo 1 Driver, 2 Clerks SpringbokCGG 482 NCNo 1 Driver, 1 Clerk CalviniaCGG 485 NCYesNo1 Driver, 1 Clerk PampierstadCGG 471 NCYesNo1 Driver, 2 Clerks KurumanCGG 542 NCYesNo1 Driver, 1 Clerk KurumanCGG 541 NCYesNo1 Driver, 1 Clerk De AarCGG 552 NCYes 1 Driver, 2 Clerks KimberleyCGG 557 NCYesNo1 Driver, 1 Clerk PostmasburgCGG 556 NCYes 1 Driver In Head OfficeVGN 167 GP Managed by head office PrieskaCGG 483 NCYesNo1 Driver, 1 Clerk 9211 Drivers – 13 Clerks Mobile offices Venues visited in quarter 1 April 251 May 258 June 228 Total 778
16 Health Facilities District MunicipalityHospital Proximity to closest office (single trip) Rural or urban Dedicated personnel Actual live births Q1 Quarter statistics Frances BaardKimberley 2km UrbanIn process1053458 Galeshewe Day 4km UrbanRoaming46246 ZK Matthews 34km RuralRoaming1338 Pampierstad CHC 400m RuralRoaming16497 Warrenton 25km RuralRoaming8566 Connie Vorster 15km RuralRoaming10481 Pixley ka SemeCentral Karoo 3km UrbanRoaming288166 Manne Dipico 5km RuralRoaming8128 Fritz Visser 70km RuralRoaming319 BJ Kempen 170km RuralRoaming5330 Hester Malan 2km RuralRoaming11915 Richmond 170km RuralRoaming5632 JT GaetseweKuruman 5km Urban1 Level 5387328 Tshwaragano 25km RuralRoaming578359 Kagiso 10km RuralRoaming2910 Olifantshoek 90km RuralRoaming4110
17 District MunicipalityHospital Proximity to closest office (single trip) Rural or urban Dedicated personnel Actual live birth Q1 Quarter statistics ZF McgawuGordonia6kmUrban1 Level 5534285 Kenhardt115kmRural Roaming 2421 Kakamas95kmRural Roaming 11191 Keimoes43kmRural Roaming 9651 Postmasburg2kmRural Roaming 20426 NamakwaAbram Esau2kmRural Roaming 7458 S van Niekerk2kmRural Roaming 215136 Port Nolloth130kmRural Roaming 1716 Pofadder162kmRural Roaming 6521 Joe Slovo114kmRural Roaming 2124 Total 5 Urban 21 Rural 2 Dedicated appointed officials51252472 Health Facilities cont…. The province managed to register 48% of live births at the online facilities
18 Capacity Information
19 NC Structural Reporting Format Report Type Prepared by whomPurposeFrequencySubmitted to : EXCO Action LogCo-ordinator - Review and discuss Finance & Support matters, such as leases, expenditure, infrastructure - Review and discuss findings- Office Visits and M&EMonthlyPM Provincial Decision RegisterCo-ordinator - Capture decisions and actions to be executed by DMOs, office heads and forums - Follow up on actions decided onMonthlyPM Monthly Report CivicsCo-ordinator -Report operational achievements, challenges and key decisions required to DDG CSMonthlyDDG CS Monthly report ImmigrationDMOs -Operational issues on inspectorate and ports of entryMonthlyDDG IMS Weekly reportDMOs -Operational issues on civics, immigration, security issues Weekly: MondaysPM Office inspection/ implementation tool DMOs- Compliance checks, - Monitor the implementation of Directives - Continuously updated as the need arise MonthlyProvincial EXCO M&E ReportM&E Co- ordinator - Findings after analysis of M&E ToolsMonthlyProvincial EXCO
20 Office/ Port of EntryLevelFilledFunded vacancies Upington Airport61 Alexander Bay3 641 81 Gemsbok32 61 81 McCarthysrust62 81 Middelputs6 1 8 1 Nakop321 691 83 Capacity Levels current structure
21 Office/ Port of EntryLevelFilledFunded vacancies Onseepkans31 611 Rietfontein31 62 81 Sendelingsdrift61 81 Twee Rivieren61 81 Vioolsdrift31 691 83 101 District Manager Operation: Frances Baard101 131 District Manager Operation: Namakwa101 District Mananger Operation: Pixley ka Seme131 Capacity Levels current structure
22 Office/ Port of EntryLevelFilledFunded vacancies District Manager Operation: ZF Mcgavu131 Kimberley311 521 6231 7121 822 101 121 Kuruman32 53 6171 77 82 121 Calvinia631 721 101 Capacity Levels current structure
23 Office/ Port of EntryLevelFilledFunded vacancies Upington31 54 621 781 82 101 111 De Aar31 6112 74 101 Jan Kempdorp65 81 Pampierstad32 51 69 71 82 101 Capacity Levels current structure
24 Office/ Port of EntryLevelFilledFunded vacancies Postmasburg51 63 75 81 91 Prieska51 671 72 101 Springbok31 51 618 72 83 101 Barkly West62 71 Carnarvon62 71 Capacity Levels current structure
25 Office/ Port of EntryLevelFilledFunded vacancies Provincial Manager's Office31 63 72 85 931 102 1111 131 141 Douglas611 71 Colesberg63 71 Galeshewe62 Tlhokomelo611 Total29327 Capacity Levels current structure
26 District MunicipalityApproved establishmentFilledFunded vacancies Percentage capacitated Civic Affairs 357 1751793% Immigration Inspectorate 102 37295% Immigration Ports of Entry 158 47394% Support Services 100 34587% Total 717 2932792% Capacity Level: Summary
27 Capacity information: Staff turn over Termination reasons Salary Levels Total 16-1312-98-54-1 Resignations0020 2 Retirements0000 0 Medical Retirements/ill health0000 0 Deceased0000 0 Dismissals0000 0 Transfer to other state institutions or the Services0020 2 Operational Requirements0000 0 Poor Work Performance0000 0 Transfer outside the Public Service0000 0 Other0000 0 GRAND TOTAL0040 4
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