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By Henry Thorndike, Emma Chasteen, Evan Tang, and Adan Buckla

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1 By Henry Thorndike, Emma Chasteen, Evan Tang, and Adan Buckla
Native Americans By Henry Thorndike, Emma Chasteen, Evan Tang, and Adan Buckla

2 Native Americans live all over the world!
Location on World Map Native Americans live all over the world!

3 Food Native American need food because if they can’t they will suffer with out food . How do native Americans get their food ? Native Americans get their food by catching fish in nets and by making traps to catch animals and by throwing spears at fish too.

4 Language Mohegan is an Algonquian Language. Mohegan Tribe
English (Français) Algonquin Words One (Un) Pejig Two (Deux) Nìj Three (Trois) Niswi Four (Quatre) New Five (Cinq) Nànan Man (Homme) Ininì Woman (Femme) Ikwe Dog (Chien) Animosh Sun (Soleil) Kìzis Moon (Lune) Tibik-kìzis Water (Eau) Nibì White (Blanc) Wàbà Yellow (Jaune) Ozàwà Red (Rouge) Miskwà Black (Noir) Makadewà Eat (Manger) Mìdjin See (Voir) Wàbi Hear (Entendre) Nòndam Sing (Chanter) Nigamo Leave (Partir) Màdjà or Nagadàn Mohegan is an Algonquian Language. Mohegan Tribe

5 Native American clothing The clothing is made out of animal skins (leather), feathers, beads, and bones.

6 Native Americans Dances
Well lets know about native American dances here is a picture about native American dances. Native American dances are a great way of sharing culture with other people in other tribes and in other families. It helps people learn more about Native Americans and their culture.

7 Recreations ( Fun) Native American recreation/fun is a great way to share culture. One of the many things Native Americans do for fun and for recreation is music and dance. Music and dance is the most popular recreational thing Native Americans do. Native Americans are the most popular dancers and singers in the Native American culture. Here is a picture of Native American Activities

8 Native American Art Native American art is very beautiful and very creative. Native Americans do very good art because they are very creative and very smart about what they are going to do for art and where their creativity takes them. They take their time to do their art very beautiful and very delicate.

9 Native American holiday
November is Native American Heritage month. They celebrate with a Pow Wow “Pow Wows are the Native American people’s way of meeting together, to join in dancing, singing, visiting, renewing old friendships, and making new ones.  This is a time method to renew Native American culture and preserve the rich heritage of American Indians.”

10 Resources

11 Native American By: Henry , Adan ,Evan , and Emma 

12 Ending Credits If you liked this slide show give a comment or a smile face . Thank you for watching this slide show and thanks for giving us credit ! We hope everyone enjoyed this presentation and the other people in fourth grade doing the culture projects do a great and a very wonderful job. Have a great school year students of northeast academy !

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