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U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MAP-21 Reauthorization & the Federal Highway Trust Fund Janet F. Kavinoky U.S. Chamber of Commerce April 15, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MAP-21 Reauthorization & the Federal Highway Trust Fund Janet F. Kavinoky U.S. Chamber of Commerce April 15, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MAP-21 Reauthorization & the Federal Highway Trust Fund Janet F. Kavinoky U.S. Chamber of Commerce April 15, 2015

2 U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Time is Now May 31: MAP-21 expires (again) Authorization for policy, programs, spending Sets funding levels Summer 2015: Highway Trust Fund cash receipts run short Lettings slowdown Delays to major projects Uncertainty affects business outlook

3 U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Federal Roles in Funding, Finance Formula apportionments Discretionary grants Direct Federal Funding Loans, loan guarantees, lines of credit Main program today: TIFIA National infrastructure bank/fund proposals Direct Credit Assistance Tax-exempt borrowing (muni bonds, PABs) Tax credit bonds Build America Bonds Federally-subsidized Borrowing Tolling new capacity, congestion pricing Incentives/penalties Capitalize state infrastructure banks Policy Tools



6 Simply to maintain current levels of direct federal funding for highways and transit requires $91 billion in new revenues over the next six years (2016-2021). Required to Maintain Spending

7 U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE What Is Needed? $100.2 $65.3- 86.3 $123.7- 145.9 $16.5$18.5 $22.0- 24.5- 2010 Capital Spending Maintain Conditions/ Performance Improve Conditions/ Performance Highways Transit

8 U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Three Broad Options Near Term Cut spending to revenue-supported levels Maintain or increase through general funds Identify new and/or increase existing transportation-related taxes and fees

9 U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Five-Star Revenue Source Transportation-related taxes and fees Dedicated, ongoing revenue streams Sustainable source, structure Adequate for maintaining or full funding Federally-collectible 1 2 3 4 5

10 U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Long-Term Question: How to Pay

11 U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Vehicle Miles Traveled 1971-2014

12 U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Janet Kavinoky U.S. Chamber of Commerce

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