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Layers of the Atmosphere Chapter 1 Section 4

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1 Layers of the Atmosphere Chapter 1 Section 4

2 Earth’s Atmosphere Four Main Layers Troposphere Stratosphere
Mesosphere Thermosphere

3 Troposphere 1st layer of atmosphere All weather occurs here
0 to 6 miles up Gets colder as you go higher All weather occurs here Contains almost all of Earth’s gases

4 Stratosphere 2nd layer of atmosphere Ozone Layer, O3
6 to 30 miles up Gets warmer as you go higher Ozone Layer, O3 Absorbs Ultra Violet light from sun

5 Mesosphere 3rd layer of atmosphere Meteorites burn up “shooting star”
30 to 50 miles up Gets colder as you go higher Meteorites burn up “shooting star”

6 Thermosphere 4th layer of atmosphere Contains… Ionosphere Exosphere
50 to space miles up Gets hotter as you go higher Up to 1800 oC Melts steel Contains… Ionosphere Exosphere

7 Ionosphere Sun’s energy cause gas particle to be come electrically charged We can bounce radio wave off of them Aurora borealis Aurora australis

8 Exosphere Exo = “outer” Satellites orbit here Transition to space
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