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Characteristics of Participatory Learning The following characteristics are adapted from: Varsha, S. (n.d.). What are the Key Characteristics of Participative.

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Presentation on theme: "Characteristics of Participatory Learning The following characteristics are adapted from: Varsha, S. (n.d.). What are the Key Characteristics of Participative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Characteristics of Participatory Learning The following characteristics are adapted from: Varsha, S. (n.d.). What are the Key Characteristics of Participative Learning. Retrieved 03 15, 2012, from the-key-characteristics-of-participative-learning-reflected-in- mirambika.html

2 Access to a Continuum of Learning Opportunities Learning begins at a place where participants can understand, relate to and get involved in. Learning is accessible and offers open participation, and unbounded progression. Offer opportunities to each individual. Ensure progress towards more complex tasks leading to deeper levels of trust and responsibility. Focus of activity is on wider, long term goals and the immediate objectives a particular activity All these together generate motivation in the students as they are active participants in the teaching- learning process. (Adapted from Varsha, n.d.)

3 Well Defined Objectives Participatory learning involves defining objectives with the students. The goal is to respond to the needs and interests of the learner. Experiencing Real Responsibility All participants hold responsibility for the work. Decisions are shared. There are planned opportunities for leadership. Reflection and critical discussion are encouraged. Photo by Colleen Rogan

4 Collaboration beyond the School and Peer Group Learners are led to resources rather than pre-determined materials. Knowledge is transferred to different contexts. Children consider their actions beyond the classroom. Children utilize a variety of resources like library, parents, and field-visits. Photo by Colleen Rogan

5 Outcomes of Achievement Outcomes of achievement are qualitative. Students learn how to improve performance in tasks such as attendance, motivation, and responsibility. Learners gain insight into democratic decision making. This helps to develop trust, honesty and reciprocity. Regular Review and Evaluation Assessment is part of learning activities. Team members review progress of objectives. Learners come to their own conclusions with guidance. Examining a variety of perspectives help in developing further learning. Photo by Colleen Rogan

6 Connecting to Other Areas of Learning Commitment to the goals is internal and not controlled by a reward system. Activities are inherently enjoyable and interesting leading to motivation. Resourcefulness, research skills and autonomy are encouraged. Photo by Colleen Rogan

7 The information in the following slides is adapted from Jenkins, H., Clinton, K, Purushotma, R. Robinson, A., & Weigel, M. (2009). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Retrieved from 2108773/apps/nl/content2.asp?content_id={CD911571- 0240-4714-A93B-1D0C07C7B6C1}&notoc=1

8 New Media Literacies are A set of core social skills and that young people should acquire if they are to be fully engaged, creative and ethical participants in participatory culture. (Jenkins, et al., 2009)

9 Play “The capacity to experiment with your surroundings as a form of problem-solving” (Jenkins, et al., 2009, p. 256). “Having a strong sense of play can be helpful when you pick up a new piece of technology that you've never used before, when you're trying to write an essay and your outline isn't functioning as you'd hoped, and when you're designing anything at all, from a dress to a web page to a concert's program.” (New Media Literacies Research Group) Photo by Colleen Rogan

10 Performance “The ability to adopt alternative identities for the purpose of improvisation and discovery” (Jenkins, et al., 2009, p. 256). “Being able to move fluidly and effectively between roles can help you when you're exploring online communities, when you're trying to decide what actions are ethical, and when you're shuffling between home, work and school.” (New Media Literacies Research Group) Photo by Mark Branscombe

11 Play supports practises that foster: Heightened motivation and new forms of engagement. Connections between home, school, community and the world. Skills and knowledge from both educators and students. Relevant learning for students. Opportunities for creating and solving problems using a variety media, tools and practices. (Adapted from

12 Simulation “The ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real world processes” (Jenkins, et al., 2009 p. 256). “Being able to interpret, manipulate and create simulations can help you understand innumerable complex systems, like ecologies and computer networks - and make you better at playing video games!” (New Media Literacies Research Group) Photo by Mark Branscombe

13 Appropriation “The ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content” (Jenkins, et al., 2009, p. 256). “Being able to remix media content (and knowing when doing so is appropriate) can help you understand literary works, music, and art; it can also help lead you to a deeper understanding of copyright and cultural clashes” (New Media Literacies Research Group) Photo by Colleen Rogan

14 Multitasking “The ability to scan one’s environment and shift focus as needed to salient details” (Jenkins, et al., 2009, p. 256). “Being a good multitasker is required in our new media landscape - and that includes learning when it isn't good to multitask.” (New Media Literacies Research Group) Distributed Cognition “The ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacities” (Jenkins, et al., 2009, p. 256). “That can mean something as simple as using a ruler or calculator, or something as complex as efficiently using Wikipedia on your iPhone to access information on the fly.” (New Media Literacies Research Group) Photo by Colleen Rogan

15 Collective Intelligence “The ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal” (Jenkins, et al., 2009 p. 256). “This ability is key to open source projects. Being able to pool knowledge with others can allow us to solve challenges far more complex than the individual mind can process.” (New Media Literacies Research Group) Photo by Colleen Rogan

16 Networking Photo by Colleen Rogan “The ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms” (Jenkins, et al., 2009 p. 256). “We now need to know how to live in multiple communities - from the hyperlocal to the global and from those composed of people like us to those consisting of people very different from us.” (New Media Literacies Research Group) “The ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information” (Jenkins, et al., 2009 p. 256). “Writing something isn't enough without the ability to circulate it to the communities where it will matter” (New Media Literacies Research Group). Negotiation

17 Judgment “The ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sources” (Jenkins, et al., 2009, p. 256). “If you're worried about your students using Wikipedia at inappropriate times and taking everything they read on the internet as gospel truth, you're worried that they aren't exercising good judgment. But judgment also includes knowing when sources are appropriate for your use: for instance, sometimes Wikipedia might be the appropriate resource to use” (New Media Literacies Research Group) Transmedia Navigation “The ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities” (Jenkins, et al., 2009, p. 256). “Anyone who needs to do research needs a good understanding of transmedia navigation - how to follow threads through video, still photography, written work, music, online sources etc.” (New Media Literacies Research Group)

18 References Jenkins, H., Clinton, K, Purushotma, R. Robinson, A., & Weigel, M. (2009). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Retrieved from nt_id={CD911571-0240-4714-A93B-1D0C07C7B6C1}&notoc=1 nt_id={CD911571-0240-4714-A93B-1D0C07C7B6C1}&notoc=1 New Media Literacies Research Group. (n.d.). New Media Literacies Research Group. Retrieved 03 07, 2012, from New Media Literacies Research Group: literacies.php literacies.php New Media Literacies Research Group. (n.d.). New Media Literacies. Retrieved 3 7, 2012, from Varsha, S. (n.d.). What are the Key Characteristics of Participative Learning. Retrieved 03 15, 2012, from Preserve Articles: key-characteristics-of-participative-learning-reflected-in-mirambika.html key-characteristics-of-participative-learning-reflected-in-mirambika.html

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