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Mrs. Cook's Classroom Procedures (This is how we do it!) 1.What to do before class begins: 1.Sharpen Pencils 2.Place paper, notebooks, and textbooks on.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Cook's Classroom Procedures (This is how we do it!) 1.What to do before class begins: 1.Sharpen Pencils 2.Place paper, notebooks, and textbooks on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Cook's Classroom Procedures (This is how we do it!) 1.What to do before class begins: 1.Sharpen Pencils 2.Place paper, notebooks, and textbooks on desk 3.Get out last night’s homework, if applicable. 4.Turn off cell phones. 5.Take care of restroom needs. 2.What to do if you are tardy to class: 1.Sign in on tardy notebook 2.Take your seat without disrupting class 3.Get out materials listed above. 3.What to do if you are absent: 1.Look on website calendar under your class to find missed assignments; do not come in asking what you missed. 2.However many days you were absent will be the number of days you will have to make up missed work. 3.If you are absent on the day of a test, you must make arrangements to make up the test on the next makeup day. 4.What to do if you are assigned ALT school or ISS: 1.You must come to me between 8:00 -8:30 to get your assignment for the day. 2.You got in trouble, is your job to come and get your assignments each morning. 5.What to do at the end of class: 1.Clean up area and return anything borrowed to its proper place. 2.Write down homework assignments in calendar/agenda. 3.The bell doesn’t dismiss you, I do.

2 Schedule for Extra Help, Make-up Work, and Detention Make-Up days for Tests and Quizzes: – Tuesdays and Thursday s7:30 to 8:30 AM – Wednesdays 3:30 to 4:30 PM Extra help will only be given to those students who complete assignments and exhibit effort in class. – Wednesdays7:30 to 8:30 AM and 3:30 to 4:30 PM – Fridays 7:30 to 8:30 AM Detention may be served on the following days: – Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 AM – Wednesdays 3:30 to 4:00 PM * For extra help and make-ups, you must provide me with a 24 hour notice; You cannot simply show up. Like you, I have to prepare and make arrangements.

3 General Classroom Rules! Student BehaviorConsequence Late to class1 st -warning;2 nd -detention; 3 rd -detention and parent phone call;4 th -2 detentions; 5 th -office referral Forget textbook1 st -Does without for the period;2 nd -detention;3 rd -detention and parent phone call; 4 th –office referral Sloppy Work1 st -student redoes the assignment; 2 nd -5pt deduction;3 rd -10 pt deduction; 4 th -20 pt reduction Foul Language1 st -warning;2 nd -detention;3 rd -detention and parent phone call; 4 th -office referral Cell phone or Ipod use1 st -warning;2 nd -detention and parent phone call; 3 rd -office referral Inappropriate dressOffice referral Does not raise hand before speaking during class discussion1 st -warning;2 nd -detention;3 rd -detention and parent phone call; 4 th -office referral Leaves desk without permission during class discussion1 st -warning;2 nd -detention;3 rd -detention and parent phone call; 4 th -office referral Failure to make up missed work1 st -2 nd chance;2 nd -student receives a “0” for the assignment Skips ClassOffice referral Failure to turn in homework or major projects when presentNo homework results in a “0”; major assignments 15 pt deduction

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