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1 Presenters: Diane Fairchild, SIATech, Debbie Jones and Kimberly Jones, Humanitas, Inc. Using Learner Characteristics/Styles & Assessment Data to Improve.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Presenters: Diane Fairchild, SIATech, Debbie Jones and Kimberly Jones, Humanitas, Inc. Using Learner Characteristics/Styles & Assessment Data to Improve."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Presenters: Diane Fairchild, SIATech, Debbie Jones and Kimberly Jones, Humanitas, Inc. Using Learner Characteristics/Styles & Assessment Data to Improve Student Outcomes Humanitas Webinar - April 12, 2007

2 2 Logistics Your phone –* 6 to mute –# 6 to unmute Attendee list Chat Pod

3 3 Building an Instructional System Content Standards What do adults need to know and be able to do? Curriculum Frameworks What skills do they need to do it? Instruction What are the best ways for them to learn it? Assessment How do we know they know it?

4 4 Assessment vs. Evaluation Often used interchangeably Two different concepts (We assess people and evaluate things) Assessment measures student learning. Determines rate or amount through informal and formal activities (observation, written test, record review, questioning) Evaluation judges significance/effectiveness/worth of the program.

5 5 Assessment Data How do we know they know it? Why? When? What? How?

6 6 What Decisions Do We Need to Make ? #1 Why do we want/need assessment data? ( What purpose does it serve?) #2 When do we use assessment data? #3 What do we want to include? #4 How do we use the assessment data?

7 7 Why Use Assessment Data? Without it, instruction is random; To better individualize instruction; To create baselines and measure progress; To improve and predict student outcomes; To improve teaching overall.

8 8 When do we use Assessment Data? On-going… Before instruction to create baselines to design and individualize instruction; During instruction to check for understanding, measure progress, and adjust instruction/materials as needed; After instruction to measure progress and outcomes.

9 9 What can we use to Assess? Informal Data: –Student Interviews / Surveys –Observations –Authentic Assessment –What do they already know? –“Begin with the End in Mind” –What else?

10 10 What? Formal Assessment Data: –TABE Diagnostics and Scores –GED Diagnostics and Scores –Transcripts –Other Assessment/Test Data –Learning Profiles / Inventories –What else?

11 11 TABE Diagnostic Example

12 12 What about Learning Styles? When should we assess learning styles? What is being measured? How can we distribute the results? How can we use the results/data? 2007

13 13 Let’s Try It! VARK

14 14 Utilization of Learning Styles Data Consider administering multiple learning styles over a period of a few months to each individual student –Different inventories offer different perspectives –Supports the development of a more accurate profile of the individual

15 15 Learning Styles Resources Index of Learning Styles Inventory [Free] Kolb Learning Styles Inventory Development/Assessments_Surveys/Learning_Style_Inventor y/LSI3_on-line.asp C.I.T.E. Learning Styles Inventory Gregorc Style Delineator (for adults only)

16 16 Learning Disability Site Tour

17 17 How do we use the assessment data? Next time we will look at: –Recap using the assessment data to get a comprehensive picture of your students –Discussion of universal design of learning –Using the assessment data to address specific learning needs of your students –Using a variety of instructional techniques and strategies to better meet the specific learning styles & needs of each student

18 18 Some things to think about… How are you currently using assessment data (if you use it)? What are some examples of techniques / strategies that you currently use to individualize instruction? What are some examples of instructional materials / supplemental materials that you use to meet specific learning needs?

19 19 Making the Pieces Fit Together Content Standards Assessment Curriculum Framework Instruction

20 20 Resources Job Corps Learning Disabilities Website Job Corps Disability Website Diane Fairchild, National Director of Student Services, SIATech Debbie Jones, Disability Specialist, Humanitas Kim Jones, Disability Coordinator, Humanitas

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