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Pre-trip and Post-trip: No Excuses 2008-2009 New York State Education Department Driver and Attendant Refresher.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-trip and Post-trip: No Excuses 2008-2009 New York State Education Department Driver and Attendant Refresher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-trip and Post-trip: No Excuses 2008-2009 New York State Education Department Driver and Attendant Refresher

2 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 2 Playing the odds 20 children will die in school bus accidents in the US this year Your yearly odds are 1 in 27,500 – pretty safe In your 100 bus fleet, odds are 1 death every 275 years But, on average, in New York State, 2 children will be killed each year Who is your team? Who matters? You, your fleet, your state, all school bus drivers, all children?

3 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 3 Today’s Objectives Actively caring for safety Doing a daily personal pre-trip Hot Inspection Topics:  Mirrors  Emergency Exits  Security  Sleeping Children  Parking the bus

4 Did you get it? 4

5 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 5 2007 5

6 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 6 “Safely Transporting Students” No Intervention Notice a need – is something wrong? Intervention required – am I needed? Perform Actively Caring Behavior Choose intervention – What should I do? Assume responsibility – should I intervene? yes No

7 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 7 What does that look like? Team actively cares about goals, action plans, and consequences Team believes in and owns the mission Team decides to feel obligated to work towards goals and support the vision Team gives rewarding, supportive, and corrective feedback to increase behaviors consistent with vision-relevant goals.

8 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 8 Snitching or Supporting? What driver or attendant behaviors would you bring to their attention? What driver or attendant behaviors would you bring to a supervisor’s attention? What are the possible outcomes? Who really wins or loses?

9 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 9 Your Personal Pre-trip Sleep – Alcohol or drugs Personal stress – Physical fitness Evacuation plans Rapport with staff Rapport w/children and parents On time to work Accurate DVIR

10 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 10 John Donne revisited No one is an island, No one stands alone. Each one’s joy is joy to me, Each one’s grief is my own. We need one another. So I will defend, Each one as my sibling, Each one as my friend 1572-1631

11 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 11 Pre-trip & Post-trip Hot Topics Mirrors Emergency Exits Security Sleeping Children Pump the Brakes

12 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 12 Pre-trip: Mirrors  Which mirrors are used for: 1. PM right? 2. PM left? 3. BOB? 4. Pedestrians around bus?

13 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 13 Pre-trip: Emergency Exits Doors unlocked Check from outside All exits all the way Not just to “vent” Keeps hinges working Stay open as designed?

14 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 14 Pre-trip and Post-trip Security  Pre-trip and post-trip inspections that reveal the following may suggest the need for further attention: New marks or noticeable force of entry into vehicle Unusual foreign item(s) attached to vehicle Opened or disturbed compartments.

15 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 15  TSA recommends checking the following areas for suspicious packages, devices, substances, unattended baggage, backpacks, etc.: Clean bus a must! Wheelchair lifts Lights Wheel wells Engine compartments Floors Below seats Driver's area Step wells

16 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 16 It’s probably nothing…but Exhaust system Fuel and air tanks Back/side emergency exit door(s) Wheel wells Over windshield Trash can Luggage compartments Battery box

17 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 17 Post-trip: Sleeping Children, etc. Only takes a few minutes Under seats Find children, lost items, suspicious packages Identify vandalism Weather extremes Stranger Danger Lose job  Five-year-old child left alone on bus for half- hour 'Policies and procedures may not have been followed' By Denise Smith Amos Enquirer staff writer  Wednesday, October 12, 2005

18 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 18 Post-trip: Parking the Bus Amber Sadiq May 2006 Driver left vehicle to get lunch Passerby child released brake Always pump down brakes Turn wheels to curb

19 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 19 Looking Back Actively caring for safety Doing a daily personal pre-trip Hot Inspection Topics:  Mirrors  Emergency Exits  Security  Parking the Bus  Sleeping Children

20 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 20 Actively Caring means… Not just knowing how to do inspections but believing in their importance Caring not just for your outcomes, but your fellow drivers and attendants as well Committing to the children’s safe transport Pride

21 Pretrip and Postrip Refresher 21  “Never ever compromise yourself as a professional. Not to a student, a teacher, a parent, or to another transportation professional.  Demand respect from all you deal with in your job. If we do not respect ourselves, then we cannot expect others to respect us, or more importantly, to respect the role in which we serve.”  Jack Gaffney, Rush-Henrietta CSD Thank you for Actively Caring

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