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Ecology Chapters. Biosphere Tropical Rainforest.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology Chapters. Biosphere Tropical Rainforest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology Chapters

2 Biosphere

3 Tropical Rainforest

4 Temperate Deciduous Forest

5 Pine Forest

6 Taiga

7 Tundra

8 Desert

9 Temperate Grassland

10 Savanna

11 Comparison of precipitation in all major biomes

12 Comparison of biomes based on precipitation and temperature

13 Habituation

14 Imprinting

15 Spatial Learning


17 Associative Learning--Classical Conditioning

18 Associative Learning--Operant Conditioning

19 Social Learning

20 Insightful Learning--Cognition

21 Optimal Foraging

22 Monogamy

23 Serial Monogamy

24 Polygamy--Polygyny

25 Polygamy--Polyandry

26 Territorial Behavior

27 Social Behavior

28 Agonistic Behavior

29 Dominance Hierarchy

30 Altruistic Behavior

31 Density

32 Dispersal Patterns

33 Exponential Growth

34 Logistic Growth

35 Boom and Bust Cycles

36 Human Population Growth


38 Interspecific Competition

39 Competitive Exclusion

40 Predation

41 Camouflage

42 Batesian Mimicry

43 Müllerian Mimicry

44 Keystone Species

45 Herbivory

46 Parasitism

47 Commensalism

48 Mutualism

49 Primary Succession

50 Secondary Succession

51 Food Chain--Aquatic

52 Food Chain--Terrestrial

53 Food Web

54 Biomass Pyramid

55 Energy Pyramid

56 Water Cycle

57 Carbon Cycle

58 Nitrogen Cycle

59 Phosphorous Cycle

60 Biodiversity Crisis--Threatened Species and Endangered Species

61 Exotic Species

62 Overexploitation

63 Biological Magnification

64 Global Warming

65 Ozone Depletion


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