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Specialty Formulations Annual Meeting Katherine Williams December 2, 2014 North Florida, Georgia, Alabama.

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Presentation on theme: "Specialty Formulations Annual Meeting Katherine Williams December 2, 2014 North Florida, Georgia, Alabama."— Presentation transcript:

1 Specialty Formulations Annual Meeting Katherine Williams December 2, 2014 North Florida, Georgia, Alabama

2 Driskell Farms- Grand Bay, AL Cotton Spray Program Month 00, 0000Presentation title in footer (if desired) 2

3 Driskell Farms- Grand Bay, AL Cotton Month 00, 0000Presentation title in footer (if desired) 3 Treated Cotton: 39.04 acres= 1218 lbs/acre 9.91 acres= 1105 lbs/acre Untreated Check: 18 acres= 970 lbs/acre Notes: Untreated field had a lot of dropped foliage throughout season

4 Driskell Farms- Grand Bay, AL Peanuts Spray Program: Month 00, 0000Presentation title in footer (if desired) 4 Picked peanuts from 3 random 10 foot sections in the treated field and 2 random 10 foot sections from the untreated check field.

5 Driskell Farms- Grand Bay, AL Peanuts Results Month 00, 0000Presentation title in footer (if desired) 5

6 Driskell Farms- Grandy Bay, AL Peanuts  Notes: –Treated #1 had a heavy white mold present –Treated #2 and #3 had better yields, less shed from plant, and visually larger pods –Untreated acres had more variation in the field. –Untreated #1 had smaller pods, and much more shed than the treated plots –Untreated #2 had visibly less pods, more shed than all other plots and much smaller looking pods. Month 00, 0000Presentation title in footer (if desired) 6

7 Randy Dowdy Total Cost Management Soybean Trial Pavo, GA With Southern States Agronomist Eddie McGriff Month 00, 0000Presentation title in footer (if desired) 7

8 Randy Dowdy Farms- Pavo, GA TCM Soybeans  A total of 60 acres were planted May 6-7 with multiple types of Southern States/Pioneer beans  An extreme fertility program was used throughout the trial. Preplant included KNO3, MAP w/ Avail, 0-0-60, NuTrax P and Kieserite.  In addition 50 lbs N/acre in 3 applications through irrigation with Nutrisphere.  Applied 3 gal/acre of 3-18-18 when K levels showed a drop in tissue samples  Applied 1 qt/acre Brant Smart Trio, and ManniPlex B-Moly at R2 and 3 weeks later with fungicide + insecticide applications  Applied 50 lbs/acre of 0-0-16 through irrigation as pods filled out and K levels dropped Month 00, 0000Presentation title in footer (if desired) 8

9 Randy Dowdy Farms- Pavo, GA TCM Soybeans  Additional notes: –Field had been planted pines three years prior, so nematodes were not expected to be an issue. Unfortunately they were a major issue which led to a decrease in yields due to the lack of nematode resistance in indeterminate varieties. –The field sustained heavy damage from deer –2 weeks after planting the field received 6 inches of rain in a 12 hour period which caused washouts throughout the plots  Results: Month 00, 0000Presentation title in footer (if desired) 9

10 Randy Dowdy Farms- Pavo, GA TCM Soybeans  Randy is a firm believer in micronutrients!  He will be speaking about his trials at the Southern States Corn and Soybean College December 18 in Tifton, GA.  Randy is already working with Eddie and Southern States to plan for next years trials which will include Brandt Smart Trio, Manni-Plex B-Moly, and N- Boost! Month 00, 0000Presentation title in footer (if desired) 10 “Soybeans could become more profitable than corn with less risk.” –Randy Dowdy

11 Thank you

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