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…. Lessons Aimed At Helping Saints Define, Describe, & Defeat Sin.

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2 Lessons Aimed At Helping Saints Define, Describe, & Defeat Sin

3 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  Ever since that fateful day in Eden, sin and its consequences have plagued man  We can learn a lot about our own temptations & sins when we study the first occurrence of sin

4 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  We know sin cannot exist without law Rom 7:7  God had given Adam a “law” re: what was and was not acceptable behavior in the garden re: food Gen 2:16-17

5 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  We also have the first description of Satan in this account v. 1a  He was the serpent Rev 12:9  He was more crafty (cunning, wily) than any other beast of the field…he was full of deceptive devices 2 Cor 2:11 11:14

6 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  Satan questions the woman v. 1b  By doing so, the devil deceitfully plants doubt in her mind 1 Tim 2:14  He also lays the groundwork for his later insinuation against God v. 5

7 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  The woman’s response vv. 2-3  Her reply indicates 2 important things… Ê Adam had done a good job sharing God’s instructions with her 2:16-17 Ë She understood both what God said as well as what He meant Eph 5:17

8 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  The devil answers vv. 4-5  First, he blatantly lies…he contradicts what God had said 2:17 Jn 8:44  Here lies the “deception”…he tries to convince the woman God had not meant what she correctly thought He did

9 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  The devil answers vv. 4-5  He wants the woman to think only of physical death  That wasn’t God’s original meaning…we know He meant spiritual death vv. 6-7

10 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  The devil answers vv. 4-5  We must remember that a lie will only be believable to the point that it contains an element of truth  Satan did speak some truth v. 5b  This is exactly Paul’s point Rom 7:11

11 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  The devil answers vv. 4-5  Second, he insinuates God was sinister  He was keeping something valuable to Himself and not sharing it with the couple (his words “…for God knows…”)  After all, shouldn’t they “…be like God?” (an appeal to her sense of pride)

12 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  The devil answers vv. 4-5  Satan’s lie… “You’ll be much better off if you eat.”  God’s truth… “I’m only protecting you from what will destroy you.” 1 Pet 2:11

13 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  The devil answers vv. 4-5  His entire motive…he wants the woman to “rationalize” (consider the enticement)  He wants her to at least look at the tree in a different way  DANGER !! Rom 13:14 Eph 4:27

14 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  The woman yields to temptation v. 6  She does precisely what Satan wanted… she listened to him and began looking at the tree differently  No longer did she view it as forbidden  Now it was appealing & desirable  N.T. parallel passage Ù 1 Jn 2:15-17

15 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  The results of their sin v. 7  Upon eating the forbidden fruit, their eyes were opened…they were aware of their nakedness  The truthful part of Satan’s lie  They made efforts to cover themselves

16 Lesson 5 – The First Sin Gen 3  The results of their sin v. 7  When sin occurs, humans will exhibit predictable behaviors  We see it with the first couple  If we’ll think about it, we will also see it in our own conduct


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