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ETDs at OhioLINK ETD 2004 June 4, 2004 Thomas Dowling

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1 ETDs at OhioLINK ETD 2004 June 4, 2004 Thomas Dowling

2 Life at the Reference Desk, 1990


4 Journal Article Ramos, C., Morbak, L., Molin, S., 2000. Bacterial activity in the rhizosphere analyzed at the single-cell level by monitoring rhibozome contents and synthesis rates. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66, 801–809

5 Life at the Reference Desk, 1990 Book Govindaraju RS. 2002. Stochastic methods in subsurface contaminant hydrology. Reston, VA: ASCE Press.

6 Life at the Reference Desk, 1990 Conference Paper Van Genuchten, M.Th., 1994. New issues and challenges in soil physics research. Trans. of the 15th World Congress of Soil Science, Acapulco, Mexico, vol. 1, July 10–16, 1994, Int. Soc. Soil Sci. and Mexican Soc. Soil Sci., pp. 5 –27.

7 Life at the Reference Desk, 1990 Technical Report Zyvoloski, G.A., Dash, G.V., Kelkar, S., FEHMN 1.0: Finite element heat and mass transfer code, Report No. LA- 12062-MS, Rev 1., Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1992.

8 Life at the Reference Desk, 1990 Dissertation Ray, C., 1994. Modeling transport of agricultural chemicals in a dual porosity system resulting from macropores. PhD Dissertation. University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. 146 pp.

9 A Quick Overview of OhioLINK  Membership Libraries of 17 public universities Libraries of 23 community/technical colleges State Library of Ohio Libraries of 44 private colleges

10 A Quick Overview of OhioLINK  History: OhioLINK as alternative to flabbergasting library costs  OhioLINK as library technology base  OhioLINK as home for cooperative library initiatives

11 Major OhioLINK Services  Central Catalog  Research and Reference Databases  Electronic Journal Center  Digital Media Center  Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center

12 The Birth of the ETD Center  Initial Planning–Summer/Fall 1999 Assumptions made  Single statewide service more usable, more visible than multiple local services  System would migrate “soon” to more robust document management platform  Publishers would be clueful about ETDs

13 The Birth of the ETD Center  Initial Planning–Summer/Fall 1999 Ground rules  All-electronic submission, including uploads to UMI  “Published” = World Accessible  Publication delays (aka embargos) for reasonable, finite periods when needed

14 Division of Responsibility  OhioLINK runs storage, server, web development, uploads to UMI  Local sites manage policy questions: File formats File sizes Editorial, style questions Library cataloging issues

15 Selected Participants’ Experiences

16 Yes, There Is a Downside  Communication Issues  Branding Issues  Remote Access Issues

17 And For Our Next Trick…  Ohio Commons for Digital Education  Digital Resource Commons

18 If You Build It… March-April 2004 Downloads By Country (17,404 locations)

19 ETD Center Holdings  As of June 2, 2004: Case Western1014Univ of Cincinnati1015 Cedarville Univ6Univ of Toledo20 Medical Coll of Ohio7Wright State Univ13 Miami Univ255Youngstown State118 Ohio State Univ847 Ohio Univ186 Total3481

20 URLs of Note  OhioLINK ETD Center  These slides

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