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An Overview of Microsoft.NET Todd M. Gagorik Technical Architect Microsoft Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "An Overview of Microsoft.NET Todd M. Gagorik Technical Architect Microsoft Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview of Microsoft.NET Todd M. Gagorik Technical Architect Microsoft Corporation

2 Enterprise Computing Enterprise “Abilities” Enterprise “Agilities”

3 Technology Evolution  Computing power  Power doubling every 18 months  Scalable and economical (PCs and servers)  Connectivity  Low-cost, high-speed Internet, wireless connections to employees, partners, and customers  Device proliferation  Smart devices - Handhelds, PDAs, cell phones  Emerging standards  Open standards for exchanging data  Connectivity, presentation, data exchange

4 Evolution Of The Web Presence Transactions Business Publish Info ProcessTransactionsDigitalEconomy  Web sites  Web-enable existing systems  Business transformation  Pages  Transactions  Business processes  Islands  Constellations  Eyeballs  Revenue  Profits

5 Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI) Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Ubiquitous Communication: Internet Web Services Supplier B Yourbusiness Inventory Supplier C Supplier A Customers Order fulfillment

6 A Platform For Web Services? User experiences PC’s & Devices Web services Servers

7 Communication Protocols XML, SOAP, HTTP, HTML Visual Studio.NET The complete development environment for building distributed applications for Windows and the Web  Most productive tool for creating and consuming Web services  Open, extensible development environment  High productivity tools for team-based enterprise Web development  End-to-end tools for enterprise lifecycle productivity Windows Application Services.NET Framework Visual Studio.NET

8 .NET Foundation Services Open Internet Protocols Internal Corporate Services Microsoft Foundation Services Web Services Built by 3 rd Parties Your Sales Data Service Your Internal Billing Service … Credit Card Statement Service Greenwich Mean Time Service Geographic Mapping Service Passport – Identity Service Directory and Search Service Personalization Service Software Delivery Service Calendaring Service Schematized Storage Service Notification & Msg Service

9 .NET Building Foundation Services.NET Enterprise Federation.NET Enterprise Data Center: Windows 2000, SQL Server, Exchange, etc. Exchange, etc. External PC

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