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Silicon Strips for PHENIX SVTX Status and Plans for Silicon Strips in PHENIX SVTX Abhay Deshpande Recent development: Possibility of the second Si Pixel.

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Presentation on theme: "Silicon Strips for PHENIX SVTX Status and Plans for Silicon Strips in PHENIX SVTX Abhay Deshpande Recent development: Possibility of the second Si Pixel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silicon Strips for PHENIX SVTX Status and Plans for Silicon Strips in PHENIX SVTX Abhay Deshpande Recent development: Possibility of the second Si Pixel Layer has changed somewhat the role Si Strips will play in the Si VTX detector for PHENIX. The full impact of this on the final design specifications of the SVTX is now beginning to be studied; the detailed layout for Si Strip needs to be modified to include different possibilities and options made available by the second pixel layer. Si Strip Group will present its present activities and hopefully we will have extensive discussion on this future near and long term goals towards the end of this meeting.

2 Silicon Strips for PHENIX SVTX Silicon Strips for PHENIX SVTX: Overview Abhay D. & Doug F. –Activities and status of QA test facilities at SBU and UNM, respectively Kieran B. –IV/CV tests at BNL/Instrumentation & near future plans and possibilities of use of BNL-Instrumentation automatic probe station during Fall 2004 Junji T. –Strip pre-production and SINTEF visit: Necessity of pre-production, status and plans for near future –Status of sensor test with SVX4 chip at RIKEN Junkichi A. –Strip sensor sensor dark current measurements at RIKEN (temperature dependence of leakage current) Y. Goto –Summary of R&D at RIKEN Vince C. –ROC development and issues (see next slide) John L./Craig O. –Strip pilot status Vladimir Rykov, Hua Pei: Simulation issues/status

3 Silicon Strips for PHENIX SVTX Points of Concern/Discussion Today (remind myself) Pitch adaptor: (comments from Junji/Vince) –Pitch of Sensor (80 microns) SVX4 (48 microns) Part of the sensor? Put it on ROC? Is the adaptor going to be DC or AC coupled? –To be decided after we hear about S/N ratio measured by Junji et al. At RIKEN Radiation Length Budget: –Strip Sensor: thickness: 2.7 -->3%? Vince’s recent email –Significant increase from 1.8%, but first realistic numbers –Cooling etc. estimates realistic? Compare with ALICE/Hiroaki –Impact: simulations needed, comments --> Discussion/Vladimir

4 Silicon Strips for PHENIX SVTX QA plans at Stony Brook (I) In February 2004: Junji,Atsushi,Hiroaki & Abhay visited the SBU Silicon Detector QA facility SBU High Energy Physics Group involved in the D0 Silicon VTX upgrade: Principle QA facility, experts who developed the QA procedure for D0 Unfortunately, most of the upgrade expect L0 inner most layer upgrade was cancelled. SBU-HE group does NOT need their infrastructure after (~) December 2004 for about 2yrs when PHENIX could utilize the laboratory SBU-RHIC Group plans to do just this and perhaps augment the facility with additions

5 Silicon Strips for PHENIX SVTX QA at SBU (II) What is available at SBU Silicon Laboratory? –A clean room –An semi-automatic probe station –Expertise in programming and performing the QA –All after approximately January 2005. What SBU RHIC group will provide? –Initially, trainies who get trained on the system with D0 L0 Si VTX testing (Fall of 2004) –Abhay + 1 post doctoral fellow + at least 1 graduate student + local technical support + Undergraduate Student(s) –Then we will essentially take over the laboratory for PHENIX use some time in Spring 2005 (AFTER D0 work is COMPLETED) –If needed additional large space and additional clean room facilities –In addition: we are exploring possibility of augmenting the existing Lab. Facilities with a Wire-Bonder which PHENIX could use. Status will be clear towards the end of the Summer 2004.

6 Silicon Strips for PHENIX SVTX What if we need additional facility earlier? Early alternative for PHENIX: –BNL Instrumentation (Z. Li) has recently indicated that WE PHENIX/SBU/RIKEN could use one of the existing semi-automatic probe station in the Instrumentation if we want to. –Kieran Boyle (SBU Graduate student) is exploring this option and will talk more about this in his presentation –In principle, this can be a useful option if needed in addition to UNM and RIKEN within the next month or two, before the SBU facility becomes fully available in Spring 2005

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