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Advanced School on Laser Applications at Accelerators From 28 th September to 3 rd October 2014 Hospedería Fonseca, Salamanca (SPAIN) This project has.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced School on Laser Applications at Accelerators From 28 th September to 3 rd October 2014 Hospedería Fonseca, Salamanca (SPAIN) This project has."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced School on Laser Applications at Accelerators From 28 th September to 3 rd October 2014 Hospedería Fonseca, Salamanca (SPAIN) This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 289191

2 Our week in Salamanca

3 Hospedería Fonseca

4 - Lectures - Coffee breaks - Q & A sessions (Tuesday and Thursday) - Poster session and industrial demonstrations - SC meeting (Thursday) - SB annual meeting (Friday)

5 Outreach Seminar

6 - Tuesday, 18:30 - Salón de Actos, Faculty of Science (USAL) - Attophysics, Dr. Luis Plaja - Spanish, with slides in English

7 Visit CLPU facilities

8 - Wednesday, 13:00 - Bus to CLPU (Villamayor) - Lunch - Visit labs

9 Meals, Hotel Abba Fonseca

10 - Lunch: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - Dinner: Tuesday and Wednesday

11 Social events - Monday, 18:30. Reception - Wednesday, 21:00. Guided tour - Thursday, 20:00. Formal dinner

12 Reception Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca Monday, 18:30 at ‘Salón de Pinturas’

13 Conference dinner Thursday, 20:00 Hotel Don Gregorio

14 Internet connection Wifi network: LA3NET password:salamanca2014 Also Eduroam

15 Weather forecast

16 Have a nice week!

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