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1 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk Track #2 – Efforts, Updates, and Experiences from the Field Flood Inundation Maps Linked to Real-time.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk Track #2 – Efforts, Updates, and Experiences from the Field Flood Inundation Maps Linked to Real-time."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk Track #2 – Efforts, Updates, and Experiences from the Field Flood Inundation Maps Linked to Real-time River Forecast and Observations Victor Hom National Flood Inundation Mapping Services Leader Hydrologic Services Division National Weather Services Headquarters, Silver Spring, MD Harrisburg, PA Thursday August 23, 2012 2012 USACE Flood Risk Management and Silver Jackets Workshop

2 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 2 Presentation Overview  Lesson Learned from the Idaho Silver Jackets Team  Comprehensive and Sustainable Solution to Idaho’s Flood Hazards with focus on the Boise River downstream of Lucky Peak Dam  Long term Flood Risk and Emergency Management Support Services

3 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 3 The Idaho Silver Jackets Team Vision The team’s vision is to serve as a catalyst in developing comprehensive and sustainable solutions to flood hazard issues, including mitigation planning, flood hazard mapping, risk reduction activities, and response and recovery planning.

4 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 4 The Idaho Silver Jackets Team Goals 1.Ensure continuous collaboration for flood mitigation, response and recovery activities before, during and after flooding. 2.Provide a forum for examining all types of solutions for flood risk management, including both non-structural and structural solutions. 3.Learn about partner agency programs, identifying limitations and opportunities, and combine programs to create integrated, comprehensive and sustainable solutions. 4.Create a multi-agency technical resource for state and local agencies. 5.Provide assistance in implementing high priority actions identified in the State's mitigation plans. 6.Improve flood risk communication and outreach, present a unified intergovernmental message, and better educate and advise our mutual customers. 7.Identify and facilitate improvements to existing programs, policies and processes. 8.Identify other collaboration opportunities to combine resources and identify gaps in order to minimize duplication of effort. 9.Catalog and share information on past and future flood projects and initiatives. 10.Prioritize current and future flood risk mitigation initiatives individually and collectively. 11.Improve flood hazard mapping and risk analysis and linkages to advanced hydrologic prediction models.

5 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 5 A Recent Idaho Silver Jackets Team Accomplishment In 2011, the Idaho Silver Jackets team collaborated with the Ada City-County Emergency Management (ACCEM) and City of Boise to develop inundation maps for enhancing flood risk communications, providing planning assistance for emergency response during flood events, and empowering decision makers with information for mitigating the flood impacts on the Boise River.

6 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 6 Two Key Components to Flood Risk Mitigation for the City of Boise and Ada County 1.Inflow into Lucky Peak Dam and Reservoir, 2.Contributing Outflows from Lucky Peak Reservoir + Irrigation Canals Info about USACE Lucky Peak Approximately 2680 square miles drains into Lucky Peak Reservoir 10 Miles Upstream of the City of Boise ID rolled earth-fill dam, 340 feet high and 1,700 feet long at the crest. 600-foot-long concrete overflow primary purpose: flood control, secondary purpose: irrigation, 4 hydropower turbines capable of operating at 5500 cfs to generate 87.5 MW. When full the reservoir is 3,055 feet MSL. The minimum pool is at 2,905 feet MSL With a usable storage of 264,371 AF Lake Freeboard (Surcharge) is at 3,060 feet MSL

7 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 7 USACE Lucky Peak Reservoir Operations

8 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 8 NWS NWRFC and USBR’s Arrowrock Dam

9 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 9 Boise River from Lucky Peak Dam to Eagle Island

10 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 10 1... Boise River at Glenwood Bridge A flow rate of 6,500 cubic feet per second (cfs) at Glenwood Bridge is considered bank-full, while 7,000 cfs is flood stage.

11 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 11 Partnered Flood Inundation Maps 1... … USACE completed a HEC-RAS model for 15 flows on the Boise River from Diversion Dam downstream to the head of Eagle Island and produced flood extent and depth maps.

12 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 12 … April 2012 Test In 2012, the Boise River peaked at 8100 cfs (highest flow in 14 years). Our Meteorologist estimated that the Boise River inflows topped off at 26,000 cfs this past April. Fortunately, there was reservoir capacity in the Boise River dams to absorb most of that.

13 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 13 1... Forecast Floodwaters for Julia Davis Park ~ 13,000 cfs

14 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 14 1... Forecast Floodwaters to Impact Zoo Boise ~ 15,000 cfs

15 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 15 1... … Forecast Floodwaters to Impact Bronco Stadium ~ 24,000 cfs

16 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 16 … Flood Warning / Flood Flow Categories ~11,000- 13,000 cfs Ms. Tina Jensen, reporter of KIVI-TV ABC affiliated Local TV 6 in Boise Idaho, did a fantastic piece on this project and can be seen at:

17 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 17 Special Thanks Special Appreciation to: Ellen Berggren, Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District - Boise Outreach Mary McGown, State Floodplain Coordinator Idaho Department of Water Resources Jay Breidenbach, Warning Coordination Meteorologist NWS Weather Forecast Office Boise Idaho Thanks to the Idaho Team and Other Contributors: Ada City-County Emergency Management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Department of Water Resources, Flood Control Districts 10 and 11, and local Cities

18 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 18 National Flood Inundation Mapping Services Path Forward to National Consistency

19 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 19 1... Google Public Alerts and Social Media Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) Path Forward to International Messaging

20 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 20 1... … NWS Weather Ready Nation … More than Floods Severe Thunderstorm Flash Flood Flood Coastal Flood Fire (Red Flag) Hazardous Weather Path Forward to All Hazards Consistency

21 Partnering to Enhance the Communication of Flood Risk p. 21 Preparedness: Are you ready? If not, what do you need to become ready? Local needs should supersede that of outside interest. Path Forward to National Preparedness

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