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Using the following maps of Charlotte, write down what you believe the definition of the 5 themes of geography are:

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Presentation on theme: "Using the following maps of Charlotte, write down what you believe the definition of the 5 themes of geography are:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the following maps of Charlotte, write down what you believe the definition of the 5 themes of geography are:






7 5 Themes of Geography Notes M – Movement R – Region L – Lip I – Interaction P - Place

8 Movement Notes Movement - Relationships between people in different places are shaped by the constant movement of people, ideas, materials, and physical systems such as wind. Interaction Pick one of the following: – Draw a picture that demonstrates movement – Write an example of movement in your community

9 Region Notes Region - It is defined as an area that has unifying characteristics. Some regions are known by physical characteristics. Physical characteristics include land forms, climate, soil, and natural vegetation. Some regions are known by human characteristics. These may include economic, social, political, and cultural characteristics. Interaction Pick one of the following: – Draw a picture to demonstrate regions – Write 3 different examples of regions

10 Location - Absolute Notes Location – Absolute location is nothing more than a simple dot--often identified as a grid coordinate on the surface of the earth. Latitude and longitude can be used to pinpoint a location. For example, the absolute location of New Orleans, Louisiana, is 30 degrees north, 90 degrees west. Interaction Why do you believe absolute location is important to geographic research?

11 Location - Relative Notes Location - Relative location is the relationship of a place to other places. For example, New Orleans is located at the place where the Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico, which gives it easy access to ocean and river shipping. Interaction Pick one – – Write the relative location of Charlotte – Write where your home is in relative location to James Martin Middle School

12 Human-Environment Interaction Notes Human-Environment Interaction- Humans depend on the environment: The natural environment is made up of living things and non living things. Humans depend on the natural environment for their basic needs; food, shelter, and clothing. Humans modify the environment: People modify the natural environment to meet their needs. For example, they build dams, plow and irrigate fields, and dig mines. They build houses, schools, and shopping centers on land. Interaction Pick one – – Draw one way that we interact with the environment – Write three things that you get from the environment

13 Place Notes Place - Geographers describe a place by two kinds of characteristics; physical and human. The physical characteristics of a place make up its natural environment,. They include land forms, bodies of water, climate, soils, natural vegetation, and animal life. The human characteristics of a place come from human ideas and actions. They include bridges houses, and parks. Interaction Pick one of the following: – Draw an example of physical characteristics of place and human characteristics of place – Describe the physical and human characteristics of Charlotte


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