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Presentation on theme: "MGT-519 STRATEGIC MARKETING AAMER SIDDIQI 1. LECTURE 11 2."— Presentation transcript:


2 LECTURE 11 2

3 R E - CAP Ansoff’s Matrix The 5 M’s SWOT-Analysis Implementation, Analysis, Control & Evaluation Objectives setting Research and designing of strategies Strategic marketing programme 3

4 S EGMENTATION, T ARGETING & P OSITIONING Essence of the marketing concept is the idea of placing customer needs at the centre of the organization’s decision- making Heart of the marketing concept is a process of STP This starts with trying to understand the market by segmenting it. 4

5 S EGMENTATION, T ARGETING & P OSITIONING (C ONT ’ D ) Markets are complex consisting of a variety of buyers with – disparate motives and – backgrounds Leading to different needs and wants 5

6 Markets also have disparate macro-environment factors affecting them Different levels and types of competition and Other factors mean that markets are rarely homogeneous Marketers need develop an approach that considers such factors as, – increased competition, – better-informed and-educated customers and – changing patterns of demand S EGMENTATION, T ARGETING & P OSITIONING (C ONT ’ D ) 6

7 Changing demand has primarily given rise to the need to segment markets – Stems from the fact that – higher standards of living and Trend towards individualism Consumers are now more able to exercise their choice in the market place Witness the growth of consumerism in emerging markets S EGMENTATION, T ARGETING & P OSITIONING (C ONT ’ D ) 7

8 Example: China is a good case in point where increased growth in western style luxuries and other Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) has been rampant in the last decade as more liberal market controls have been introduced. S EGMENTATION, T ARGETING & P OSITIONING (C ONT ’ D ) 8

9 D EFINITION OF S EGMENTATION Market segmentation “The process of breaking down the total market for a product or service into distinct sub-groups or segments where each segment may conceivably represent a separate target market to be reached with a distinctive marketing mix”. Segmentation strategies of targeting and positioning start by recognizing that the total demand/market for a product depends on – specific tastes – needs and – demand may differ 9

10 Breaking down the total market for a product or service into individual clusters of customers, or segments Customers who share similar demand preferences are grouped together within each segment. STP is used to 1. Segment; determine which kinds of customers exist, then 2. Target; select which ones we are best off trying to serve and 3. Position; implement our segmentation by optimizing our products/services for that segment and communicating that we have made the choice to distinguish ourselves that way S EGMENTATION 10

11 Three approaches to marketing and this reflects into the STP needs of each strategy S EGMENTATION ( CONT ’ D ) 11

12 3 A PPROACHES TO M ARKETING IN STP Undifferentiated strategy All consumers are treated equally Company makes no effort to satisfy particular groups. Works for commodities where the product is standard One competitor really can’t offer much more any other. Little to no need for segmentation 12

13 Concentrated strategy One firm chooses to focus on one of several segments that exist Leave other segments to competitors. All low cost or ‘budget’ airlines follow a concentrated strategy. They therefore need to understand, in depth, the particular segment they are operating But not the whole market 3 A PPROACHES TO M ARKETING IN STP (C ONT ’ D ) 13

14 Differentiated strategy Offer a variety of classes and tickets – geared to convenience, – prestige An effort to capture as much of the disparate needs of travellers as they ca. Need to understand the whole market and to be able to segment it on differing customer needs 3 A PPROACHES TO M ARKETING IN STP (C ONT ’ D ) 14

15 S EGMENTATION Segmentation is dividing a market by a set of pre-determined criteria Beneficial to use Segmentation to gain customer insight Truly understanding the needs of potential and actual customers in a market allows a company to segment along the lines of needs Needs it can serve and needs it cannot serve needs it wants to serve 15

16 The concept is to segment only using variables that have meaning in the context of the company and the market it is operating in Not to jump feet first and use the tried and trusted geodemographics Correct segmentation is the fundamental bedrock of any marketing strategy If poorly conceived or executed, strategy is a house of cards waiting to collapse S EGMENTATION (C ONT ’ D ) 16

17 Harder in practice because there may be a large number of variables that can be used to differentiate consumers of a given product category Cumbersome to work with more than a few at a time This then means some hard choices about which variables will be most useful in distinguishing different groups of consumers Need to establish a rank order of the variables by relevancy Choice needs to be made in context each time, rather than relying on a generic standard approach S EGMENTATION (C ONT ’ D ) 17

18 S UMMARY Introduction to STP STP Model Definition of Segmentation 3 Approaches to Marketing in STP 18



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