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Cloud platforms Lead to Open and Universal access for people with Disabilities and for All WP 203 - Federating repositories of Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Cloud platforms Lead to Open and Universal access for people with Disabilities and for All WP 203 - Federating repositories of Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloud platforms Lead to Open and Universal access for people with Disabilities and for All WP 203 - Federating repositories of Solutions and Components

2 WP 203 – Federating reposit. of solution and components Activities started in May 2012 (till August 2015) Objectives in the DoW To develop (the methods for maintaining) a single entry point for the retrieval of the information and data required to implement appropriate assistive solutions. The creation of efficient mechanisms for search and retrieval of accessible services and applications that will be provided in the envisioned Cloud infrastructure Integrate the information on assistive solutions into the GPII unified listing and marketplace. WP 203 – Federating repositories of solution and components

3 Federated repository of Assistive solution within the GPII vision A way for users to find all of the solutions that exist and to figure out which ones meet their needs.

4 Federated listing of AT devices The Cloud4All Federated Repository of avaliable AT solutions will represent one of the sources of information for: 1.The GPII Unified Listing – a comprehensive listing of free and commercial, open and proprietary source, assistive technologies and features in mainstream products 2.The GPII Marketplace - i.e. a marketplace for "purchasing" commercial and free Access solutions 3.The GPII “shopping aid” that helps the user to find the most appropriate assistive solutions in the unified listing and marketplace 4.The semantic framework for contents and solutions ?/ The matchmaker: one source of information used by the Matchmaker to propose activation of installed AT as well as installation of Assistive technology not yet available locally (see use cases 11-12 D101.2)

5 Where the WP 203 fits in the overall cloud4all process Preference server Preference wizard Matchmaker (fitter) Device charact. reporter Local Solutions reporter Cloud4All Federated Repository of AT Launch manager User listener Propose activation of installed AT and install. of AT not available locally Propose the most appropriate solutions for the user (“pre-sale” matchmaking)

6 The starting point – the EASTIN network The starting point for the Solution Database is the EASTIN web portal

7 Federating Databases of AT The current EASTIN approach Provider 1 (e.g. SIVA) Webservice Server EASTIN EASTIN Search engine Data in EASTIN format Webservice Client User interface (eastin website) Product DB Provider 2 (e.g. HMI Basen) Webservice Server Product DB Provider 3 (e.g. DLF Data) Webservice Server Product DB … Retrieved product description Query from the user I want an on screen keyboard

8 Product description in the EASTIN portal Example Basic information Additional details

9 Metadata extraction/enhancement Metadata extraction/enhancement according to solutions ontology (WP 201) Propertyvalues Input devices Joystick; Keyboard; Mouse; Touch pad; Touch screen; On screen keyboard; Sing Activation modalityMechanical (touch, push, pull, squeeze,...); Input adjustments Scanning mode; Direct access; Filter keys; Adjustable sensitivity; Output devices/software Screen; Printer; Loudspeaker; Vibrator; Tactile display; Output modalityAcoustic/sound; Speech synthesis; Speech recorded; Human readable Human and machine readable Settings

10 WP 203 – Connection between EASTIN-Cloud4All and GPII EASTIN search engine EASTIN Distributed DB of AT products EASTIN Cloud4All compliant detailed description (with settings) Cloud4All Repository for AT solutions Automatic generation of metadata for solution (A 202.1) Toolbox for professional and vendor entry and maintenance of Metadata (A 202.4) New product upload tools (A 202.4) Vendor Periodic query Vendor Professional Tools for metadata enhancement Semantic Framework for Contents and Solutions

11 Case 1 a new product is added to one of the databases of the EASTIN network EASTIN search engine New product added to one of the EASTIN DB EASTIN Cloud4All compliant detailed description (with settings) Cloud4All Federated Repository of AT Automatic generation of metadata for solution (A 202.1) Semantic Framework for Contents and Solutions Toolbox for professional and vendor entry and maintenance of Metadata (A 202.4) Periodic query Tools for metadata enhancement EASTIN administator Cloud4All authorized user (vendor or professional) Temporary database

12 Case 3 basic info of a product is updated in one of the databases of the EASTIN network EASTIN search engine Basic info update EASTIN Cloud4All Federated Repository of AT Semantic Framework for Contents and Solutions Toolbox for professional and vendor entry and maintenance of Metadata (A 202.4) Periodic query Existing settings EASTIN administator Cloud4All authorized user (vendor or professional) Temporary database Validation of existing settings updated basic info and settings Updated basic info

13 Case 2 A vendor (or an AT professional) adds a new product to Cloud4All using the upload tool EASTIN search engine EASTIN Cloud4All Federated Repository of AT Semantic Framework for Contents and Solutions Cloud4All authorized user (vendor or professional) Basic info New product upload tools (A 202.4) Basic info + Detailed settings

14 Case 4 Detailed setting of an existing product is modified in the federated repository EASTIN search engine EASTIN Cloud4All Federated Repository of AT Semantic Framework for Contents and Solutions Cloud4All authorized user (vendor or professional) Updated detailed settings Toolbox for professional and vendor entry and maintenance of Metadata (A 202.4)

15 Federation of EASTIN and GPII Hypothesis 1 – information sent to GPII “on demand” SIVA (Italy) EASTIN search engine DLF (UK) Rehadat (Germany) … EASTIN Distributed DB of AT products GPII Unif. listing GPII Web Portal (Marketplace?) EASTIN Web Portal API (webservice) EASTIN User GPII User

16 Federation of EASTIN and GPII Hypothesis 2 – information stored in the GPII unif. Listing SIVA (Italy) EASTIN search engine DLF (UK) Rehadat (Germany) … EASTIN Distributed DB of AT products GPII Unif. listing GPII Web Portal (Marketplace?) EASTIN Web Portal API (webservice) Filter out product coming from EASTIN Periodic query Validation (?) EASTIN User GPII User

17 Activities led by FDCGO A 203.1: Approach and mechanism for federating solution repositories Definition of a method to harmonize and efficiently retrieve data coming form distributed databases A 203.2: Integration of the appropriate subsections of federated data with the GPII Marketplace Develop and demonstrate the ability to extract relevant information from more general topic disability databases + A 202.4 Toolbox for professional and vendor entry and maintenance of Metadata Implement an application suite for the manual creation, maintenance and update of metadata, based on the developed semantics framework

18 Challenges Harmonize the content coming from different sources and avoid duplication of data in the federated repository (the same product could be stored in different DBs) Maintenance/update of data (ICT products become obsolete very fast) => distributed-collaborative update, update by vendors Maintenance/update of ontologies and metadata (e.g. when new technologies become available) => automatic generation of metadata Evaluate/validate the quality of the information (is the information correct, complete and accurate) => responsibility of each distributed information source Clearly mark (and credit) the source of information

19 What is what Cloud4all Federated Repository : This is a federated repository of open source and commercial AT of many types, based on the (distributed) databases of AT The GPII Unified Listing : This is a federated repository of open source and commercial AT related to ICT access as well as access features in mainstream products The GPII Marketplace :The GPII Marketplace is a place to buy some ICT access products (those that the developers would like to distribute this way). The GPII Marketplace has a "shopping aid" that will draw from Cloud4all work The Cloud4all/GPII Solutions Database: In the Cloud4all/GPII architecture - there is reference to two different "Solutions databases”: 1.a database of solutions that are present at a particular device that a user is at. This lists all the local solutions that are available to the user 2.a database of information about (ideally all) devices. This can be used by the matchmaker to determine what features are available for any device that a user might encounter. It allows the matchmaker to know what features are available if the device does not offer up any more information than just its name/make/model. (is this the Semantic Framework of Content and Solutions ?) From wiki:

20 “Real time” Not in “Real time” Local solution Reporter (?) GPII Unified listing GPII Marketplace Cloud4All Federated Repository of AT GPII Shopping aid Preference wizard Pref. server Sem. Frame. of solutions ? List of suggested solutions for the user ? ?

21 Thank you for your attention

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