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Interview as a technique Interview is a managed verbal exchange data collection technique through direct oral and personal communication of the interviewee.

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Presentation on theme: "Interview as a technique Interview is a managed verbal exchange data collection technique through direct oral and personal communication of the interviewee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interview as a technique Interview is a managed verbal exchange data collection technique through direct oral and personal communication of the interviewee and interviewed. TEHNIKA PRIKUPLJANJA PODATAKA ISPITIVANJEM PUTEM NEPOSREDNOG USMENOG I LIČNOG OPŠTENJA ISPITIVAČA I ISPITANIKA. Goal: obtaining truthful statements about perceptions, opinions, knowledge, ideas… of the interviewed.

2 Free/unstructured to structured  Consider types of interview as the continuum; any particular interview can be placed somewhere b/w ‘unstructured’ and ‘structured’.  The ‘unstructured’ pole is closer to observation, while the ‘structured’ use of ‘closed’ questions is similar to types of questionnaire NEUSMERENI INTERVUJU JE RAZGOVOR U KOME ISPITIVAC ODABIRA SADRZAJ, OBILIK I REDOLSED PITANJA SAGLASNO SOPSTVENOJ PROCENI KARAKTERISTIKA ISPITANIKA I SITUACIJI U KOJOJ SE VODI RAZGOVOR. USMERENI INTERVJU IMA VEOMA PRECIZNO I SVESNO RAZRADJEN INSTRUMENT I POSTUPAK. JEDNA OD PODELA: USMERENI ORIJENTACIONI INTERVJU DIRIGOVANI I RIGOROZNI

3 SEMISTRUCTURED - DEF  Technique used to collect qualitative data by setting up a situation that allows respondent time and scope to talk about their opinions; flexible.  The focus is decided by the researcher with a goal to understand the respondent’s point of view; explore  The researcher tries to build a rapport - relationship of mutual trust and the interview is like a conversation.

4 ADVANTAGES  High validity - talk in detail and depth, provides the opportunity to generate rich data;  Complex questions and issues can be discussed and clarified – picking up information of which the interviewer had no prior knowledge;  Avoids pre-judgement – predetermination what will or not will be discussed as only small number of pre-set questions  Language use by participants essential in gaining insight into their perceptions and values.

5 LIMITATIONS  Time consuming;  Depends on the skill of the interviewer - ability to think during the interview (who will do it?)  Possibility of unconscious signals – clues about expected answers;  Depth of qualitative information may be difficult to analyze/use.

6 STYLE AND SEQUENCING  Explain the purpose, time, use; confidentiality, recording – ethical issues  Gaining rapport – putting respondents at ease (‘talk with you’ less threatening that ‘interview you’); move from easy, less sensitive issues to more complex Prove you are listening – summarize the statement in the same language If don’t understand, better: When would you that, what would you use that for? Instead of: What you mean by that?

7 GRAND TOUR QUESTIONS  Ask respondent to give a verbal tour of something they know well: Could you describe a typical day at your workplace/at computer?  Specific grand tour questions – Walk me through what you/school/ company did in response to the incident?  Guided grand tour – Could you bring me along and show me what you do? (i.e. Internet bulling; gambling

8 QS AND PROMPTS  The act or event identified by the respondent – ask for an example in its own words: What you would call that?  Structural questions: ask to structure its world: I’d like to know about all the different types/issues  PROMPTS not questions but equally important as do two things: keep people talking and rescue when responses turn to mush.  Planned: probe about who they are speaking with about this issue, for example  Informal – How interesting  Floating prompts: How? Why? And then?

9 CLOSING  Do not rush and try to control too much as you may miss important, unexpected points – this is the key!  Close by thanking and repeating confidentiality and purpose  Make notes ASAP with observations  Keep details about gender, age, background

10 Roma population and security sector in Serbia Perceptions about security – what makes you insecure? (Q 1)   Da li se osećate dobro, bezbedno?   Šta vas licno ugrožava?   Šta Vas plaši?   Šta su pretnje za Vas i Vašu porodicu?   Sta vi mislite da su pretnje za vasu zajednicu?   Od čega strahujete u budućnosti?

11 FREQUENCY OF VIOLENCE and ACTION   Da li Vam je neko pretio nasiljem? WHO?   Da li ste bili u situaciji da Vas neko fizički napadne? PROMPT: WHEN, HOW FREQUENTLY?   Da li je neko iz Vaše porodice bio suočen sa nasiljem ili pretnjom nasiljem?   Da li je neko iz Vaše zajednice ili okoline…?   Q 2: WHAT THEY DO ABOUT IT?   Da li je neko iz Vaše zajednice ili okoline reagovao u toj situaciji?   Kako Vam je pomogao?   Ko obično reaguje u takvim situacijama?   Kome biste se prvo obratili u takvoj situaciji u budućnosti?

12 NEED FOR INSTITUTIONS TO CHANGE?   Koliko često dolazite u kontakt sa vojskom ili policijom?   Da li ste u poslednjih 6 meseci bili u kontaktu?   U kojima okolnostima dolazite u kontakt sa vojskom ili policijom?   Kakva su Vam iskustva iz tih kontakta?   Da li ste služili vojsku?   Da li biste radili u vojsci ili policiji? Zašto?   Da li neko iz Vaše zajednice ili okoline radi u vojsci ili policiji?   Da li mislite da je potrebno da više Roma radi u vojsci i policiji? -

13 TRUST/INCLUSION/CHANGE   Da li verujete vojsci? Zašto?   Da li verujete policiji? Zašto?   Uporediti vojsku i policiju.   Da li vidite neke promene u radu vojske i policije u poslednje vreme?   Koliko poverenja imate u: vojsku, policiju, crkvu, centar za socijalni rad, školu, kolege sa posla, prijatelji i kumovi, porodica, koordinator za romska pitanja, zdravstvene medijatorke, lokalni političari…

14 WHAT NEEDS TO CHANGE WHAT NEEDS TO CHANGE   Da li mislite da se vojska i policija drugačije odnose prema Vama zato što ste Romi? (LGBT or other group)   Da li mislite da bi vojska i policija trebalo drugačije da se odnose prema Vama zato što ste Romi?  IS THERE SOMETHING YOU THINK WE SHOULD COME BACK TO ADD?

15 EXAMPLE State-community security cooperation model at local level contributes to more responsive policing that better meets community needs Break down to the themes/issues/indicators Start with general, contextual: are there same improvements of security in the state/village? regularity of community policing officers’ interaction with the community, his/her availability to the communities, and community policing officers’ role in the interaction, perceptions about the officers behavior, and possibilities for having the police officers accountable.

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