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Academy Conversion - one school’s experience. Why we converted… Desire to convert at a time of our choosing, from a position of strength. Sense of inevitability.

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Presentation on theme: "Academy Conversion - one school’s experience. Why we converted… Desire to convert at a time of our choosing, from a position of strength. Sense of inevitability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academy Conversion - one school’s experience

2 Why we converted… Desire to convert at a time of our choosing, from a position of strength. Sense of inevitability. DfE stated intention that all schools will become academies. Issues with the LA – resource base, frustration with services provided. Worries about possible declining effectiveness of LA – key staff taking redundancy, secondary school conversions & shrinking LA capacity. Financial – past experience with GM status – financial benefits likely to evaporate in the longer term. Worrying messages from the LA about budget cuts. Friends thinking the same way Curriculum – freedom from new national curriculum, expectation of innovation. Diocesan preparedness & protection of church school status.

3 Our experience so-far… The conversion process involved extra work and there is additional office administration. It takes time getting your head around everything that has to be done and the new requirements of the DfE & EFA. More so for non-VA schools. The financial freedoms and ability to shape your own destiny are well worth it. Speech therapist. Better service. Would not go back. Closer ties with the diocese have been very helpful and productive. Our ‘support’ school has taken a lot of work, but all of it very worthwhile. Excellent professional development for our staff. Unexpected boosted sense of pride in the school. Feeling of independence and that we are masters of our own destiny.

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