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Trigger rate studying Shiuan-Hal,Shiu. Introduction  Because the DAQ data taking rate only have 1000Hz, we must confirm the trigger rate will not higher.

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Presentation on theme: "Trigger rate studying Shiuan-Hal,Shiu. Introduction  Because the DAQ data taking rate only have 1000Hz, we must confirm the trigger rate will not higher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trigger rate studying Shiuan-Hal,Shiu

2 Introduction  Because the DAQ data taking rate only have 1000Hz, we must confirm the trigger rate will not higher then the DAQ limit.  From the right figure, we can see that the J/ ψ dimuon production rate is 100 times then Drell-Yan dimuon.  I suppose the J/ ψ here is the major background, if the total trigger rate(contain the dy and J/ ψ dimuons from target and dump) is higher then 1000Hz we must give the J/ ψ trigger a prescale factor. J/ ψ Mass Rate

3 Event rate per second TargetDump Drell-Yan3.843299.9261 J/ ψ 13.7703325.242 Single muon?? The proton beam structure is 5 sec spill of 1*10 13 protons each minute, it means when the proton comes we will have 2*10 12 protons in each seconds. Right table shows the simulation results of event rate per second from the E906 fast MC. From the right table we can see that the J/ ψ rate may not be a problem of E906 daq, I think now the main problem is random single muon from pion decay. But, now we have no idea to estimate the rate. We need real beam to measure it.

4 Some estimate  Without any look up table logic we have already used 5493/20060 (27%)logic elements, and (512*9*8*3+4096=114688) 114688/294912(39%) memory and ½(50%) PLL each v1495.  From a simple muon track simulation in bend plane, we found there are almost 1400 track conditions will appear for a positive muon. It means 2800 track combinations need to deal in one v1495, and in worst case may cost about 9000 logic elements. V1495 now still have 14567 logic element, I think it is enough.  In fast MC, we can modify the input event number. In general, more input event will have more road combination number. But the FPGA resource is not unlimited, so we need to find a stable value.

5 Road combination number  In the table below the DY-target means the Drell-Yan from target and DY-dump means the Drell-Yan from dump. 99% means the 99% events was contained in the number of roads. 10 million events Total road 99%99.9%99.99%99.999% DY-targetYp6562496230392 Yn66821101229388 DY-dumpYp7632189174296 Yn7742080168290 J/ ψ -target Yp185236096171 Yn1922358104173 J/ ψ -dump Yp192225293174 Yn192205090170

6 Road combination number 50 million events Total road 99%99.9%99.99%99.999% DY-targetYp8762296238414 Yn89621104241420 DY-dumpYp10382081173304 Yn10292086177302 J/ ψ -target Yp343235993245 Yn345235893237 J/ ψ -dump Yp346215287217 Yn333204984220

7 Road combination number  Compare to the FPGA estimate and the fast MC result, I think I’ll trend to choose the road combination in 99.99%. 100 million events Total road 99%99.9%99.99%99.999% DY-targetYp10162397240411 Yn105321101241424 DY-dumpYp12212183174309 Yn12122086182317 J/ ψ -target Yp441235793237 Yn427225892238 J/ ψ -dump Yp441214987216 Yn437205383225

8 99% roads mass distribution(DY from target) yp yn mass counts

9 99% roads mass * sigwt distribution(DY from target) yp yn mass rates

10 99% roads mass distribution(DY from dump) yp yn mass counts

11 99% roads mass * sigwt distribution(DY from dump) yp yn mass rates

12 backup

13 Mass distribution of positive Drell-yan muon from target (99%)



16 Ptx distribution of positive Drell-yan muon from target (99%)



19 Mass distribution of negitive Drell-yan muon from target (99%)



22 Ptx distribution of negitive Drell-yan muon from target (99%)



25 Mass distribution of positive Drell-yan muon from dump (99%)



28 Ptx distribution of positive Drell-yan muon from dump (99%)



31 Mass distribution of negitive Drell-yan muon from dump (99%)



34 Ptx distribution of negitive Drell-yan muon from dump (99%)



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