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The Ohio Watershed Academy Applying Principles of Adult Education Theory to a Professional Development Program for Watershed Group Leaders Joe Bonnell.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ohio Watershed Academy Applying Principles of Adult Education Theory to a Professional Development Program for Watershed Group Leaders Joe Bonnell."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ohio Watershed Academy Applying Principles of Adult Education Theory to a Professional Development Program for Watershed Group Leaders Joe Bonnell and Anne Baird Ohio State University Extension

2 Introduction to the Ohio Watershed Academy  Purpose Build the capacity of current and future watershed group leaders in Ohio to facilitate the development of community-based watershed action plans.  Audience Watershed coordinators and natural resource professionals


4 Course Design  Five-month course  Instructional components On-line modules and assignments Face-to-face meetings In-depth learning projects

5 Desired Outcomes  Gain confidence in applying process skills.  Exposure to new ideas and tools for stakeholder involvement.  Broader perspective on engaging stakeholders.

6 Components of Adult Learning (Merriam and Caffarella, 1992)  Life experience as content or triggers to learning  Self-direction and autonomy  Self-reflection  Expression of learning

7 Evaluation Capture reactions of recent graduates and non- graduates.  What was helpful? Helped build confidence.  What would you change? Timing of modules. More modules.

8 Evaluation What was helpful? “It made me take a hard look at how focused we are and what the lack of focus is going to do to our project.” 2004 Student on-line comments on module 5 “Strategic Planning.” What would you change? “The concept is important but the resources were overwhelming. I spent way too many hours on this.” 2004 student on-line comments on module 7.1 “Getting Water Quality Standards to Work for Your Watershed.”

9 Life experience as a trigger to learning Student project: “A Guide for Developing a Watershed Presentation” Student objectives: Develop a sense of the audience Develop an audience friendly presentation Develop motivational skills

10 Self-direction and Autonomy Students select the most appropriate and timely modules. Multiple assignment options depending on level of expertise. Exposure and access to new resources.

11 Self-reflection “Looking over the many strategies and forms provided with this exercise…I feel the SWCD meeting that I discussed could have used round-robin or small group techniques to have better gained input from the group on important activities for the SWCD to work on.”

12 Expression of Learning Assignments lead to useful products e.g., Stakeholder involvement module:  Identify stakeholder groups.  What’s in it for them?  What’s in it for us?  Required action

13 2004 Mid-course Evaluation Findings  What is not working about the Academy?  Number of required readings, more instruction on in-depth projects.  “I had trouble finding time to do all the readings. They have been mostly useful but, but if required readings could be condensed to a couple of most important that would be good.”  “In-depth project was difficult to coordinate for group effort…” (3/16/04, OWA participants)

14 2004 Mid-course Evaluation Findings  What is working? Assignments, resources, flexibility, and networking opportunities.  “I have learned from the assignments they have “forced” me to make time to look into issues I would not have been able to do otherwise.” (3/16/04 OWA participant)

15 Reflections  Started with prescriptive, step-by-step approach.  Moving toward more adaptive approach: Exposure to new ideas. Try out new ideas – reflect on practice. Develop new perspectives.

16 Reflections  Moving away from expert model to peer- teaching.  Student creation of knowledge.  Moving toward ‘just-in-time’ versus ‘just-in- case’ learning.

17 Additional information Ohio Watershed Academy Web-site: Anne Baird: Joe Bonnell:

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