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E FFECTIVE LISTENING 1 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals.

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1 E FFECTIVE LISTENING 1 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

2 C ONTENT  Introduction  3 basic skills of Listening  Types of Listening  Stages of Listening  Ways to improve Listening  Video Links  Further Reading  Test Yourself 2 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

3 I NTRODUCTION  Is following and understanding the sound---it is hearing with a purpose.  The process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages; to hear something with thoughtful attention. 3 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

4  Listening is a conscious activity based on three basic skills:  Attitude- Maintain a constructive Attitude  Attention- Strive to pay Attention  Adjustment- Cultivate a capacity for Adjustment 4 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

5 T YPES OF LISTENING  Marginal Listening- A poor listener is a marginal listener.  Evaluative Listening- Traps a listener into the temptation of passing hasty judgments about the speaker.  Active/Empathic Listening- A good listener is always an empathic listener. 5 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

6 D IFFERENT STAGES OF LISTENING 6 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

7 W HY LISTENING SKILLS ARE IMPORTANT  Improves relationships  Improves our knowledge  Improves our understanding  Prevents problems escalating  Saves time and energy  Can save money  Leads to better results 7 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

8 B ARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE LISTENING  Interrupting – knowing the answer  Trying to be helpful  Seeing discussion as competition  Distraction - red flag words – emotional triggers  Gap searching 8 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

9 7 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING  Increase your listening span:  Try to resist the temptation to interrupt.  Make sure the speaker has had a complete chance to make his or her point before you speak.  If you don't get the whole message, ask the speaker to repeat what they said. 9 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

10 W AYS TO I MPROVE Y OUR L ISTENING  Take time to listen:  Don't put obvious limitations on your listening time - the speaker will feel rushed.  Listen between the lines:  Don't just listen to what is being said.  Try to understand the attitudes, needs and motives behind the words. 10 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

11 W AYS TO IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING  Give your full attention:  Nodding or interjecting occasionally to clarify a point lets the speaker know you are interested.  If the speaker pauses briefly, don't rush to fill the silence.  Use open-ended questions to encourage elaboration. 11 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

12 W AYS TO IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING  Restate the message:  When you are sure that the speaker has finished, restate the main points.  This is a good organizing strategy for you.  It also gives the speaker assurance that the message has been received. 12 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

13 W AYS TO IMPROVE YOUR LISTENING  Listen for ideas as well as facts:  A good listener makes an effort to understand what the facts add up to.  Don't monopolize:  Resist the urge to dominate a situation or to feel that you know everything about a situation.  Be open to new ideas and allow the speaker to have his or her say. 13 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

14 “A good listener tries to understand thoroughly what the other person is saying. In the end he may disagree sharply, but before he disagrees, he wants to know exactly what it is he is disagreeing with.” Kenneth A. WELLS 14 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

15 T IPS ON BODY LANGUAGE OF AN ACTIVE LISTENER  An attractive face  A closed-mouth smile  A comfortable sitting position  No distracting body gestures  Applauding whenever the speaker values strong points 15 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

16 T EST YOURSELF :  What do you pay more attention to when someone is talking to you? a. To the content (words) b. To the specific vocabulary they are using and their body language 16 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

17  If you realize what the other is going to ask, what do you do? a. I answer before question has been completed, in order to save time b. I listen carefully to the whole question before answering 17 T EST YOURSELF : SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

18  While the other person is talking to you, do you loose your concentration by thinking about the next thing you are going to say and how you should say it? a. Yes, always… b. Not at all 18 T EST YOURSELF : SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

19  While listening to the other, do you say things like 'Aha' or 'I understand', or nod yes, to let them know that you are paying attention? a. No b. Yes 19 T EST YOURSELF : SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

20  While someone is talking to you, do you wonder why they find it so difficult to go straight to the point? a. Yes, very often..! b. No, I just pay attention 20 T EST YOURSELF : SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

21 E MOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE   21 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

22 F URTHER READING  Steil, lyman L. and Bommelje, Richard, K., Listeners Leaders, UBS Publishers’ Distributors, Delhi, 2004, reprinted in India 2006.  Hamilton, Cheryl with Parker, Cordell, Communicating for Results: A Guide for Business and the Professionals, 5th ed., Wadsworth, Washington, 1997 22 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

23 23 SELF LEARNING MODULE 1 CHAPTER 8 Teamglobal © Kautilya Learning Academy of Professionals

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