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© NGA 2015 1 Converting to an academy - Practical considerations Forum of Sutton Governors Philip Wood, NGA’s Advice Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "© NGA 2015 1 Converting to an academy - Practical considerations Forum of Sutton Governors Philip Wood, NGA’s Advice Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 © NGA 2015 1 Converting to an academy - Practical considerations Forum of Sutton Governors Philip Wood, NGA’s Advice Manager

2 © NGA 2015 2 What we’re going to cover First steps Things to think about – –single or –multi-school Difference in a sponsored setting Further info

3 © NGA 2015 3 First Steps Strategic Review –Where are we now? –Where do we want to be in 3-5 years time? –How do we get there? Decisions should aid strategic aims

4 © NGA 2015 4 Single school or group Overriding concern must be education of children – what will improve this – would a group arrangement help? Practical considerations Possible partners - geographical location - options? Is everyone on board? Capacity to improve another school Sustainability Will small schools be sustainable in the future? Primary academies?

5 © NGA 2015 5 Single Academy Trust Where is the school in relation to Ofsted? Can you go alone? Impact on outcomes – what will this be? Financial expertise – do you have SBM with the requisite skills Financial sustainability for the next 3-5 years (Education Support Grant reducing) Reviewing governance

6 © NGA 2015 6 Advantages of Groups Can improve governance –Possibly easier to focus on strategic –Easier benchmarking – for example financial information between the academies. Wider benefits to schools –Shared expertise across schools –Better curriculum offer –Joint procurement

7 © NGA 2015 7 Practicalities How are you going to form a group? How do you choose partners? Structure of senior leadership team? Size of board/composition/structure of governance? Due diligence

8 © NGA 2015 8 Governance Structures – Key things to think about -Strategic plan -Communication -Delegation -Committees -Composition

9 © NGA 2015 9 Delegation in MAT Legal responsibility rests with Directors/charitable trustees of the academy trust Can delegate decisions down to committees or local governing bodies/advisory boards What is delegated is up to the academy trust board Processes for election/appointments/removal of local board governors/council members need to be recorded

10 © NGA 2015 10 Sponsored Academies? ‘Sponsored’ to convert by another organisation – increasingly other schools Delegation of authority Role of governing body in process - consultation? - choose sponsor?

11 © NGA 2015 11 Working with Sponsors Depends on sponsor – what is the local board’s responsibility/role? Communication key Rise of smaller groups – More flexible? Earned autonomy?

12 © NGA 2015 12 Being a sponsor Biggest group of sponsors is now other schools School improvement and governance capacity? Impact on existing provision? Due diligence?

13 © NGA 2015 13 Next Steps Governor working party? Where are we now – self evaluation Think strategically – where do we want to be in 3-5 years Think about structures - how things would work in practice – ‘Why’ first – then ‘How’

14 © NGA 2015 14 Further Information NGA/Browne Jacobson – Introduction to Multi-Academy Trusts - Conference/Introduction-to-MATs.pdf.aspx Conference/Introduction-to-MATs.pdf.aspx NGA/ASCL/Browne Jacobson – Leading and Governing a group of schools - constitution/Academies-and-free-schools/Leading-and-Governing-Groups- of-Schools-final.aspx constitution/Academies-and-free-schools/Leading-and-Governing-Groups- of-Schools-final.aspx NCTL – Governance in Multi Academy Trusts - Conference/NCS1554_MATsResource_Mar14_FINAL.pdf.aspx Conference/NCS1554_MATsResource_Mar14_FINAL.pdf.aspx Six MAT profiles - events/IAA-National-Conference/MAT-Profiles-smaller-size.pdf.aspx events/IAA-National-Conference/MAT-Profiles-smaller-size.pdf.aspx

15 © NGA 2015 15 Continued… NGA research into Federations, The Road to Federation - practice/The-Road-to-Federation.aspx practice/The-Road-to-Federation.aspx NfER – Academies: It’s time to learn the lessons -

16 © NGA 2015 16 Join us GOLD membership is £260 with benefits including; weekly e-newsletter for all governors, bi-monthly magazine Governing Matters for all governors, access to the members’ area of the website, three free place at NGA member regional events and national conferences, access to legal advice Standard NGA membership for a school GB is £77

17 © NGA 2015 17

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