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Balancing the Holiday Season Denise Boozell RD, LD Indianola Hy-Vee.

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Presentation on theme: "Balancing the Holiday Season Denise Boozell RD, LD Indianola Hy-Vee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balancing the Holiday Season Denise Boozell RD, LD Indianola Hy-Vee

2 Holiday Weight Gain Overview Average Weight Gain Holiday Plate Ways to Cut Calories Controlling Holiday Weight Gain Staying Focused at Work Super Foods for Reducing Stress

3 Controlling Holiday Weight Gain Decrease in Physical Activity + Added Holiday Calories Weight Gain Favorite Family Foods + Holiday Atmosphere 2,000 to 4,500 ? So how much is it really?

4 Myth or Fact? Most people believe 5 to 7 pounds of weight are added during the holiday season. Recent research indicates the actual weight gain is closer to about 1 to 2 pounds. UNFORTUNATELY, we tend to hang on to that one pound and pick up another, and another! This may be contributing to the obesity epidemic. MYTH

5 Obesity Statistics 2012 Source:

6 Current Obesity Stats Thirteen states currently have an adult obesity rate above 30%. 41 states have rates of at least 25%. Every state has a rate above 20%. Source:

7 Where Do We Go Wrong? Constant nibbling/grazing instead of taking one plate Balance, portion size, moderation High-calorie recipes Inactivity Too busy to plan meals/snacks

8 The Holiday Plate ½ cup serving: 220 Calories 1 cup serving: 257 Calories 1 cup serving: 350 Calories 8 oz serving: 480 Calories 6 oz serving: 120 Calories 1 serving: 350 Calories

9 Let’s Add It Up Mashed Potatoes 1 cup with butter Cranberry ½ cup Pumpkin pie 6 oz. Wine Turkey (8 oz.) Stuffing 1 cup Total 257 cal.220 cal.350 cal.120 cal.480 cal.350 cal 1,777 calories 65- minu te walk 20- minu te stai r step 45- minu te elli ptic al 40- minu te yoga 52- minu te jog 75- minu te weig hts 5.0 hou rs

10 Source:

11 How to Cut Calories Turkey – Remove the skin, eat the white meat. Sweet potatoes – Flavor with apple juice and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Mashed potatoes – Whip with skim milk and roasted garlic. Stuffing – Oven bake with sautéed onions and celery. Green beans – Enjoy fresh, steamed green beans, topped with silvered almonds.

12 How to Cut Calories Cranberries – Use whole cranberry sauce rather than jellied cranberry sauce. Dinner rolls – Choose whole-wheat, high-fiber breads. Pumpkin pie – Slice your favorite pie into 10 pieces instead of 8. Candy – Savor a piece of peppermint after the holiday dinner!

13 Healthy Holiday Tips Dinner Dilemma  Holiday Buffet Control portion size Don’t let foods touch on the plate. Compromise - Pick one or two starches Choose – Mashed Potatoes or Stuffing? Choose – Creamy Fruit Salads or Pie?

14 Healthy Holiday Tips Dinner Dilemma  Holiday Buffet Control portion size Load up on fresh salads and vegetables. Drink a large glass of water before an alcoholic beverage. Eat slowly and socialize while eating. Use a smaller plate, such as a salad plate. Survey the offerings before getting in line – PLAN. Make ONE trip to the buffet table. Only take the foods you really want.

15 Healthy Holiday Tips Sticky Snacking Situation  Uncontrollable Grazing Control portion size Don’t come to the party starving! Stand by the fresh vegetable and fruit trays. Take a handful of an item and move away! Skip the snacks and save the calories for a beverage. Focus on family and enjoy conversation. Play a board game or take a walk with family.

16 Tips for Holiday Party - Before Don’t “save up” your calories. This strategy usually backfires by bingeing and over-indulgence! Eat fiber and protein at every meal and snack the day of the party. Open-faced egg sandwich and fresh fruit Greek yogurt and berries String cheese and whole grain crackers Have a light snack before so you are not overly hungry when you arrive. Broth-based soup, salad or half a sandwich

17 Tricky Beverages  Calorie Load Control portion size Alcohol is absorbed quickly on an empty stomach. Empty stomach + alcohol = increase in appetite. Drink a glass of water or club soda between drinks. Opt for lower-calorie beverages or mixers. Light beer, wine/wine spritzers or drinks made with club soda. Healthy Holiday Tips TIP Try drinking your beverage in a tall skinny glass (flute) - tricks the eyes into thinking you have more!

18 Alcohol BeverageServing (oz.)Calories Beer, regular12150 Beer, light12105 Wine 477 Wine cooler10125 Vodka, gin, rum, whiskey or Scotch 164 (80 Proof) 80 (100 Proof Cordials, liqueurs1103-123 Eggnog (without alcohol)6256 Eggnog (with alcohol)6278 Mixers (cola, ginger ale, juices, etc) 895-100

19 Tips for the Holiday Office Bring a tray of fresh fruit, fresh-cut vegetable or shrimp cocktail! Make a homemade trail mix. Whole-wheat cereal, dried fruit, popcorn, nuts and M &M’s Try flavored hummus and whole wheat crackers or vegetables. Be prepared by always having nutritious snacks at your desk. Take a walk or hit the gym on your lunch hour.

20 Super Foods for Reducing Stress These foods are packed with natural protective substances that may help you fight off diseases, help you feel energized & improve your mood: Quinoa Broccoli Edamame Aronia berries Non-fat Greek Yogurt Chia Seeds Cinnamon

21 Healthy Cooking Tips download this helpful handout at

22 Questions? Thank You Denise Boozell RD, LD Indianola Hy-Vee 515-961-5329

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