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Supply Chain and Oil & Gas InnovationChallenges Complementary and Integrated Collaboration.

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2 Supply Chain and Oil & Gas InnovationChallenges Complementary and Integrated Collaboration

3 Topics Concremat Companies Innovation Strategy for the Oil & Gas Sector Mission to Norway in September 2015 RD&I challenges and collaboration Brazil - Norway

4 Concremat Companies: an overview

5 C oncremat Companies 63 years of history and experience consolidated along with Brazil’s history of industrialization and urbanization Created in the 1950’s as the 1 st Brazilian laboratory for structure systemic control in the private sector Success cases in some of the country’s most important infrastructure development ventures A wide range of products and services in the fields of Engineering Consultancy, Environment, Inspections, Laboratories, Civil Works and Geotechnics Growing along with Brazil since 1952

6 Th e Concremat Companies cooperate in all phases of any given venture, from the analysis of opportunities – identifying and assessing opportunities – to the final steps of the projects, helping eliminate negative impacts towards the end of the implementation of a given venture. Along with their new approach and the new architecture of its brand, Concremat Companies currently comprise of seven sub brands: The companies and their fields

7 Certifications Concremat Engenharia ISO-9001 Engineering business certified under the scope of: studies, project, management, enterprise inspection and supervision. OHSAS 18001 Management system attested for the execution of projects, management, inspection and supervision of enterprises in Work Safety and Occupational Medicine fields. ISO 14001 Certified in project development of management, inspection and supervision of enterprises in environment management system. Concrejato ISO-9001 Execution of construction work and services – remodeling, reinforcement and maintenance of structures; restoration of historical and architectural heritage, special renovation projects and building "retrofit"; civil industrial expansion and maintenance, including construction work; geo-technical and geologic instrumentation and investigation, slope stabilization and talus; subsoil and special foundation treatment, as well as certification by OHSAS -18001 for safety management and occupational health system. ISO-18001 Execution of construction work and services – remodeling, reinforcement and maintenance of structures; restoration of historical and architectural heritage, special renovation projects and building "retrofit"; civil industrial expansion and maintenance, including construction work, geo-technical and geologic instrumentation and investigation, slope stabilization and talus; subsoil and special foundation treatment. PBQP-H Execution of Building Works Performing Arts Special Works Execution of Works in the subsector of Buildings Contemat ISO-9001 Execution of geo-technical and geologic instrumentation and investigation; slope stabilization and talus; subsoil and special foundation treatment, as well as certification by OHSAS-18001 for safety management and occupational health system. OHSAS-18001 Execution of geo-technical and geologic instrumentation and investigation; slope stabilization and talus; subsoil and special foundation treatment. Concremat Inspeções e Laboratórios ISO-9001 Supervision, control technology of concrete, floors and walls; laboratory testing of materials and building components, inspection, evaluation and monitoring of structures and structural pathologies and building systems; control and? quality management enterprises. ISO 17025/2001 Testing laboratories, São Paulo ISO 17025/2001 Testing laboratories, Rio de Janeiro Saybolt Concremat ISO-9001 Inspection services products? Of the oil industry and petrochemicals. NBR-ISO/IEC-17025:2005 Aratu and Santos testing laboratories accredited by INMETRO

8 Concremat’s Offices In Brazil and Globally Dominican Republic Santo Domingo Mozambique Moatize Brasil Amazonas Bahia Ceará Distrito Federal Espírito Santo Minas Gerais Pernambuco Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Sul São Paulo

9 Innovation Strategy for the Oil & Gas Sector:Pre-salt and Exploratory Frontiers

10 Focus on the upstream: analysis of E & P challenges Characterization of complex and heterogeneous reservoirs (e.g. pre-salt carbonates) Drilling and well operations in the Salt Layer – efficiency and risk mitigation (safety and environment) Logistics, data availability, environmental sensitivity and vulnerability in exploratory frontiers (environmental licensing, oil spill preparedness and response) ACADEMY AND TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES IN SPECIFIC NICHES

11 Pilot Project: Digital Rock Physics for Carbonates Reservoirs Financial leverage – FINEP Bid (2013): 404 projects in competition Concremat ranked 8th among the approved proposals R$3,7 Million (subvention) + R$1,9 Million (counterpart) Main deliverable for the industry: Innovative software for simulation of porosity, permeability and capillary pressure in carbonate plugs, supported by laboratory measurements, with 100% local content and significant reduction of time in obtaining strategic information (from months to a week) Main results expected for Concremat: Contribution in a priority area of investigation worldwide Consolidation of industrial collaboration and academic partnerships Implementation of a continuous innovation process in the segment of geosciences

12 Important landmarks Pilot Project– Digital Rock Physics for Carbonates Reservoirs

13 Our Laboratory facilities for petrophysics measurements – Rio de Janeiro Detail photographic record Fluid removal (oil, formation water and inorganic salts) – Soxhlet extractor Laboratory analyses - absolute and effective porosity, absolute permeability (including Klinkenberg slip correction factor) Microtomography images (including Capturing, processing, analyzing and interpreting)

14 Our Laboratory facilities for petrophysics measurements – Rio de Janeiro

15 Mission to Norway in September 2015:Follow-up

16 Objectives Exchange information on the state of the art technologies and best practices in priority areas: Reservoir Characterization Drilling & Well Operations Marine Environmental Issues Waste management (Energy and Oil & Gas Sectors) Offshore Decommissioning Strengthen our international network and prospect complementary partnerships for innovative services and RD&I projects (O&G, Energy and Environment)

17 Main results and perspectives Fruitful discussions with institutions such as Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, SINTEF, SIMULA, Institute for Energy Technology and private companies Concrete collaboration scopes / projects identified and timetable of actions aligned A first joint RD&I project elaborated and submitted in September – a synopsis will be presented on the technical session “Exploration - basin analysis and restoration” (November 24 th )

18 RD&I Challenges: Focus on IntegratedCollaboration for Efficient Solutions

19 Relevance of RD&I, current world scenario and Brazil: what is at stake? Address the challenges of Brazil’s offshore context and its specific geology, reinforcing our attractiveness for the Oil & Gas industry Elaborate and implement solid long term strategies - efficiency oriented - despite the current instability Gather efforts and strengthen the collaboration of all the actors, in Brazil and abroad: Industry and Supply Chain, Governments, Research Institutions and Universities Consolidate Brazil’s supply chain high added value to the world industry

20 Focus on integrated collaboration for efficient solutions How to improve the model of integrated technical and technological collaboration between all the actors, ensuring a more active participation of Brazil’s supply chain in the whole process of RD&I projects? How to optimize the sinergy and complementarity of competencies and potentials between Brazil and Norway? What institutional policies and instruments shall be adopted to promote this collaboration and mitigate investment risks? Let’s answer these questions together during this November Conference!

21 Thank you!

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