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American Chemical Society The ACS and the 2011 International Year of Chemistry.

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1 American Chemical Society The ACS and the 2011 International Year of Chemistry

2 American Chemical Society 2 Global Trends Majority of the material covered in Chemical Abstracts Service originates from outside the United States. Non-U.S. scientists publish more than 65% of the articles in all ACS journals. International membership now stands at more than 21,000 in over 100 countries. Nearly 200 projects with an international component are underway across the Society’s programs. 10-15% of our national meeting participants come from outside the United States.

3 American Chemical Society 3 2011 International Year of Chemistry The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution on December 30, 2008, formally declaring 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry (IYC). American Chemical Society played an instrumental role in the advocacy efforts culminating in the United Nations’ IYC designation. The principal goal of IYC is to celebrate the achievements of chemistry and its contributions to the well-being of humankind. IYC goals and objectives with the ACS vision and mission and several of ACS’s strategic goals

4 American Chemical Society 4 IYC Logo

5 American Chemical Society 5 IYC 2011 Objectives & ACS Strategic Goals IYC 2011 ObjectivesACS Strategic Goals Increase the public appreciation of chemistry in meeting world needs ACS Goals 3 & 4 Increase interest of young people in chemistry ACS Goals 2 & 4 Generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry ACS Goal 4 Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the International Association of Chemical Societies and of the award of the Nobel Prize in chemistry to Mme Maria Sklodowska Curie - providing an opportunity to recognize the contributions of women to the chemical sciences ACS Goal 2

6 6 American Chemical Society ACS/IYC 2011 Desired Outcome Leverage ACS IYC participation to raise chemistry's and the Society's global profile, extend its strategic interests, and serve the international interests of our members.

7 American Chemical Society 7 ACS Participation in IYC 2011 Phase 1 – Spring 2009 Who: Committees, Divisions, Local Sections, Staff What: Consider their potential IYC contributions in the context of existing activities which could be designated to support IYC 2011 goals. How:Inventory their current suite of programs, products, services, and networks to determine which might be appropriate for this effort. Report results to by April 30,

8 American Chemical Society 8 ACS Participation in IYC 2011 ACS IYC contributions could involve: Repurposing materials and resources Event Planning Outreach to communities and/or networks Community engagement Collaboration with internal and external partners

9 American Chemical Society 9 ACS IYC Planning Framework IYC 2011 Objectives (ACS Strategic Goals) Pre-existing Resources, Products, and Services Networks Increase the public appreciation of chemistry in meeting world needs (ACS Goals 3 & 4) Increase interest of young people in chemistry (ACS Goals 2 &4) Generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry (ACS Goal 4) Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Mme. Curie Nobel Prize (ACS Goal 2)

10 American Chemical Society 10 Phase 2 – Spring/Summer 2009 ACS IYC Working Groups (Intl Activities Committee, SOCED, ComSci, and Committee on Community Activities; and ACS Staff): –Compiles contributions of Committees, Divisions, Local Sections –Conducts Gap Analysis Report preliminary findings and recommendations to P&MR at the June 2009 ACS Board Meeting ACS Participation in IYC 2011

11 11 American Chemical Society ACS IYC 2011 Questions, Comments, Ideas… IYC2011@ACS.ORG

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